The Japanese aircraft industry lagged behind in terms of powerful engines, this problem was circumvented by using no armor plates and self-sealing fuel tanks in their early models. Due their experiences fighting the Chinese although they assumed that these measures were sufficient. Unlike the Germans...
The Japanese self-defence force has just opened a new base on Ishigaki, Okinawa’s southernmost island closest to Taiwan, missile units have been placed there and deployed on the main island. And more than 1,000 additional troops are to be stationed in the prefecture, most in the capital...
visiting the Japan Self-Defense Force and taking pictures of soldiers working hard to defend their country. The photographs showed tanks, helicopters, cannons, and warships. The December issue also included airplane pictorials, warship photos, and pictures of Japanese Soldiers. The ...
He is also collaborating with the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory at Porton Down, in Wiltshire, England, to develop a next generation, scaled-up version of his neural framework that could be applied to military problems, such as spotting enemy tanks from smart cameras mounted on autonomo...
Overall foraging success and ultimate fitness of an individual animal is highly dependent on their food-searching strategies, which are the focus of foraging theory. Considering the consistent inter-individual behavioural differences, personality may hav