day. While the Japanese internment camps feed them daily while still providing medical treatment to the ill and wounded. The Japanese internment camps and Jewish concentration camps differed in the amount of people that were killed, the manual labor required, and the inhuman treatment of the ...
By this time most of their subjugated people in the Co-Prosperity Sphere had already turned on the Japanese due to harsh treatment and the realization that they were no better than the former European colonial powers. Some of the text is: You are still alive! What a miracle! And marching,...
Yes, the show will bring the story of the camps to a wider audience, and for many that alone appears to be enough. Others will be watching to see where the evolving script finally lands in regard to its treatment of the Heart Mountain draft resisters, the soldiers of the 442, and the ...
Yes, the show will bring the story of the camps to a wider audience, and for many that alone appears to be enough. Others will be watching to see where the evolving script finally lands in regard to its treatment of the Heart Mountain draft resisters, the soldiers of the 442, and the ...