The computational phantoms used in dosimetry system DS86 and re-used in DS02 were derived from models and methods developed at Oak Ridge National Laboratories (ORNL) in the US, but referred to Japanese anthropometric data for the Japanese population of 1945, from studies conducted at the Japanese...
e., the well-ornamented males in the population are more likely to produce superior offspring (i.e. good gene model13). On the other hand, in the case of house finches (Haemorhous mexicanus), male plumage coloration is affected not only by heritability but also by diet, especially diet ...
The population density of Japanese sika deer (Cervus nippon yakushimae Kuroda and Okada) in an evergreen broad-leaved forest in Yakushima, southern Japan, was surveyed over 4 years from 1998 to 2001. Two approximately 50 ha study sites, Hanyama and Kawahara, were established with a total of...
The Japanese population has declined to one-hundredth over 30 years and is being protected. In this study, we analyzed its genetic diversity in order to understand the genetic differences between wild populations of Eurasian Collared Dove and those bred in zoos. Methods A sequence of about 1.9...
Applicable Population Category: girl, women,Designed for both girls and women, these panties cater to a wide age range. Crotch Lining Material Component: cotton 95 (%),Cotton-rich crotch lining ensures breathability and comfort throughout the day. ...
The Japanese marten occurring on Hokkaido Island, Japan, is a domestic alien species, artificially introduced from their native distributional range. To reveal the genetic variation within the Hokkaido marten population and their relationships with native populations, we genotyped 14 individuals from Hokkai...
the Ryukyuan populations Japanese Archipelago Human Population Genetics Consortium (Consortium members: Timothy Jinam1,18, Nao Nishida2,19, Momoki Hirai3,19, Shoji Kawamura3,19, Hiroki Oota4,19, Kazuo Umetsu5,19, Ryosuke Kimura6,19, Jun Ohashi7,19, Atsushi Tajima8,19, Toshimichi Yamamoto9,19...
Intake of fermented soybeans, natto, is associated with reduced bone loss in postmenopausal women: Japanese Population-Based Osteoporosis (JPOS) Study. Japanese fermented soybeans (natto in Japanese), which contain a large amount of menaquinone-7, may help prevent the development of osteoporosis. ...
Japan is considered a “super-aged” nation, meaning more than 20% of its population is over 65 years old. Just946,060 babies were born in 2017, a record low since official records began in 1899. The decline means a shrinking cohort of workers is left supporting an increasingly elderly po...
H irota T, H irohata T, Mashima H, Satoh T, Obara Y. 2004. Population structure of the large Japanese field mouse, A podem us speciosus ( Ro2 dentia: Muridae) , in suburban landscape, based on m itochondrial D 2loop sequences. M olecular Ecology, 13: 3275 - 3282....