Japanese Americansconstitute the sixth largest Asian American group in the USA. It is, therefore, no surprise that so many new parents are looking for Japanese names. Japan is an island-nation known for its traditional arts, tea ceremonies, calligraphy, technology, anime, distinctive gardens, scul...
When testing, your testing data should include both the longest city names, and the shortest city names, to determine the right width settings. This gives: Update to original answer: If you want to divide the units in column 3 into a separate column, it will take fiddling with the w...
Valid era names are the names of eras returned from values(). Parameters: japaneseEra - the japaneseEra name; non-null Returns: the JapaneseEra singleton, never null Throws: IllegalArgumentException - if there is not JapaneseEra with the specified name values public static JapaneseEra[] values...
Herein, when grabs, mounts or cloacal contacts were performed by one male towards another male, they were considered as aggressive behaviors64. Birds that performed more than 5 aggressiveness behaviors were considered aggressive, and birds that did not perform any aggressive behavior towards the photo...
Table 3 summarizes some of these trials, showing the abbreviated trial names, calcium antagonists used, number of patients, mean age, and cardiovascular mor- bidity rate, expressed in terms of cases per 1,000 patient-years for patients treated with calcium antagonists. Although the mean age is...
Hsiao-Hseuh and Chih-Chiu's relationship, she nearly kills him, but spares his life on the condition that Hsiao-Hseuh and Chih-Chiu separate. However, shortly after the separation, Hsiao-Hseuh escapes the witch's lair and reunites with Chih-Chiu, albeit in disguise to hide her identity....
A universal redux version of my Meteor attempt at Words with Friends (online scrabble). - words-with-strangers-redux/input_words.txt at master · joshwcomeau/words-with-strangers-redux
When and how do Japanese children start using pitch accent information as a cue to lexical distinction? In this research, we taught children two novel labels as names for two different objects. One label was a novel homophone whose accentual pattern was different from a familiar word, and the...
Hopefully this helps shed some light on the subject and helps explain why this guy has had so many different names over the years. Has anyone else out there heard of this Gondias thing before? If so, where did you first find out about it? I'm really curious to know! Follow @ClydeMan...
We recruited three male Japanese volunteers, and they were given the sample names jg1a, jg1b, and jg1c (jg1a is the same individual as JPN0000121). Principal component analysis (PCA) based on the genotypes inferred by whole-genome sequencing indicated that the subjects were scattered within ...