One such way that seasonal changes are celebrated is with something in Japan called “unmori” 運盛, this is something that has an auspicious nasel sound of “un” which means fortune and mori which means abundant, so it’s considered lucky to eat food produce that end with “n ん” for...
It is worshipped to ward off calamities that occur in the “unlucky ages” (yakudoshi 厄年 in Japanese); according to the Japanese, the years especially prone to misfortune for men are 25 and 42, and for women 19 and 33. Descent from Paradise ...
The five are manifestations of the Five Buddha (Gobutsu 五仏) of Esoteric Buddhism and invoked in the Godai Kokūzōhō 五大虚空蔵法, an esoteric rite for fulfilling wishes and averting misfortune. The names and descriptions of these five vary, but in the YUGIKYŌ 瑜祇経 sutra they are ...
The novel’s title is an allusion to the names of the five friends: All except Tsukuru’s last name contain a color: red, blue, white, black. Murakami draws an image of deep friendship among the five highschool students which is destroyed forever on outcasting one of them, who, for la...
Although he was happy to hear that his timely arrival had spared his mother such misfortune, he was a little disappointed that the timing of his birth didn’t have a more positive story associated with it. Soon after his family arrived at his father’s house, he cooked ramen for every...
I just wrote about characters serving as mouthpieces under the Parayste recap above, and that’s exactly the problem with this sequel: some of these characters are just names and colons on a script. Musings on identity and technology are always welcome, but when they dominate the proceedings ...
For over two years the Japanese market has been a fortress for Nintendo, with the 3DS in particular dominating the hardware and software charts. Recent times have brought a dip, however, especially since the release ofThe Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3Dprovided a welcome boost in...
that the carpenter had described. Apparently in Japan when a family stops using a toilet, they have a priest purify it ritually with salt, an ofuda (shinto talismans often hung at shrines), and a blessing. This prevents any misfortune apparently. The toilet had been put out of use long ...
“You can confirm the Local Management Service (LMS) and variants of it like MicroLMS are properly disabled by confirming there is no socket listening on the Intel® ME Internet Assigned Names Authority (IANA) ports on the client: 16992, 16993, 16994, 16995, 623, and 664.ME… is an ap...
Because we hope to use this algorithm in a cross-lingual information retrieval environment, we create categories that can span many countries and cultures. We analyzed news sites from many countries and found that the while the names were different that categories most news site shared were ”...