A few reviewers have complained that by the time they got to the end of the book, they’d forgotten all the previous characters from the rest of the book. Well, I mean, duh? Heisig not only never said you wouldn’t have to do any reviews, rather he outlines a specific system for ...
In this blog post, we delve into the remarkable journeys of Gacor Wins and Saba Sport – two powerhouse names that have been making waves in the industry. From their humble beginnings to their current success stories, let’s uncover the winning strategies that have propelled these brands to ...
If that is the case, then it really makes me very sad. Haruppi is (I don’t want to say “was”) one of the most beautiful members of the AKB Family – which is another way of saying — she was among the most beautiful women in the world. It tears me up a little to think t...
Hanako Brown in her essay on female Japanese painters remarks that theEdo periodgave rise to many successful women artists, those who were professional and equal in their successes to their male counterparts, but additionally the forgotten domestic artists whose interest in creative pursuits were shape...
Another example, from my own collection of ザ cases: A Japanese friend who had just changed jobs complained to me that the new work environment was really ザ・会社 (za kaisha, “the” company). Which was to say it was full of red tape, opaque procedures, cemented hierarchies and every...
On the other hand, we must also conclude that his translation is rather sloppy, not only omitting precise dates given in the original, or full names of the people, but also misreading quite some topographical indications. Here it comes: Page –1—of the Japanese original: Brief sketch of ...
The Germans are learning to cut corners, too. It's called survival. But then, for over a century it has been the shoulders of Zeiss that the other big dogs (with the exception of Leica) have stood upon to make names for themselves. ...
The names and descriptions of these five vary, but in the YUGIKYŌ 瑜祇経 sutra they are called: Hokkai Kokūzō 法界虚空蔵 Kongō Kokūzō 金剛虚空蔵 Hōkō Kokūzō 宝光虚空蔵 Renge Kokūzō 蓮華虚空蔵 Gyōyō Kokūzō 業用虚空蔵 There is a set of five at Kanchiin 観智院 in Tōji...
These are the main component names, but according the Wikipedia post, there are a couple of other positions that don’t seem to have specific names (although each radical itself still has a specific name): –Top and bottom as in 亘 (Wikipedia gives this radical as 一, but dictionaries say...
As hard as it was, I had to excludedanime artists or bands that are one/two-hit wondersin the West where people may only remember the names of the songs instead of the artist (ie.Stereoponywith “Hitohira no Hanabira” and “Tsukiakari No Michishirube”,Hello Sleepwalkerswith “Goya no Mac...