Character List of the Principal Japanese and Chinese Words, Names, and Titlesdoi:10.4159/HARVARD.9780674866218.C12Donald H. ShivelyM. Chikamatsu
Kamite will warn you if you specify an unknown key in a config file, since mistyping their names is a common source of mistakes. But it will at the same time ignore keys whose names start with a capital letter, under the assumption they are your own keys, like MY_HOME_DIRECTORY in ...
Most experimental research making use of the Japanese language has involved the 1945 officially standardized kanji (Japanese logographic characters) in the Jōyō kanji list (originally announced by the Japanese government in 1981). However, this list was extensively modified in 2010: five kanji were ...
Another possible problem associated with the reference genome is that the samples used for its construction are biased toward African and European ancestries. For example, > 70% of the reference genome is composed of a BAC library known as RP-11 (aliased RPCI-11)1from a donor with both Af...
Delve into the history of several Japanese words that have made their way into the English dictionary like emoji, futon, and hunky-dory.
A number of big names in Japanese tech, motor-ing and renewables industries including Toyota, Sofbank and Toshiba are all reportedly looking to increase their investments in India this year, in particular in renewable energy startups on the sub-continent. Speaking to the infuential news portal...
a monthly Japanese scholarly journal.Laurance P. Roberts,A Dictionary of Japanese Artists(1976, reissued 1990), is a nearly exhaustive compendium of Japanese artists dating from the 7th to the early 20th century, with brief biographies, listings of known alternate names in Japanese characters with ...
It’s important to note that in Japan, people often call each other by their last names. Because of this, when someone introduces themselves, they will either use their last name only, or say their last name followed by their first name. Remember to stick with calling a new acquaintance ...
Embryos were staged, pooled from breeding pairs, and distributed evenly across treatments with corresponding staggered start dates to ensure that all eggs were exposed at the same developmental stages. The total number of eggs per treatment differed from the total number of newly-hatched fish ...
I suppose there might be one good solution in setting title bar height once at sway start enough to display font from conf file, and never recalculate this value. f.e. with font pango:Misc Fixed 12 title height would be set once from equation 12 > title_height > 12*2 It seems that ...