snow‧field/ˈsnoʊfiːld/[名]《C》雪原, 万年雪地帯 Pictures of the day What are these? Click on the pictures to check.
Thankfully, most Japanese baby names have great meanings that are often related to nature or family. Choose from our top picks for the 100 best Japanese boy names below: Akihiko Origin: Japanese Meaning: A prince or bright boy Variations/Synonyms: Crystal, respectable man, clear, dawn, ref...
When choosing a Japanese name for a child, parents typically consider the meaning behind the kanji characters. For instance, some names are derived from nature, such as 'Sakura,' which means 'cherry blossom,' while others take inspiration from human qualities, like 'Hikari,' meaning 'light' o...
76.Gina— meaning: silvery. Japanese Names For Girls (H-I) Unsplash / Su San Lee Make sure you choose a name that fits your baby girl perfectly. You want her to grow up proud of her name and her heritage. In order to accomplish that, here are some beautiful Japanese names for girls...
Hong Kong Macau bg:Японскоизобразителноизкуствоca:Art del Japógl:Arte xaponesahr:Japanska umjetnostit:Arte giapponesehe:אמנות יפניתhu:Japán művészetepl:Sztuka japońskapt:Arte do Japãosv:Japansk konst...
Take the rank listings with a grain of salt. Unless a name was borne only by tayū, you can safely assume that almost all these names belonged to oiran-level women. NameMeaningRankSource AgemakiTrefoil knots (あげまき). A character fromThe Tale of Genji, whose name is usually spelled 総...
Japanese Girl Names Meaning Warrior Princess 37. Yukihime (雪姫) Meaning “Snow princess.” I love the name Yukihime! It sounds soft and gentle, but it carries so much meaning. Snow may seem delicate. But it stands for resilience and survival in tough times. I can imagine your princess ...
Summer has no meaning without winter. Heat must acknowledge and be affected by cold. The dualities of phenomena are endless: elder / younger, male / female, Heaven / Earth, parent / child, weakness / strength, movable / immovable, static / moving, on and on, finite / infinite. The ...
Catalogue of bijin painting, expressing the theme of ‘Snow, Moon, and Flowers’. With biographies of the artists. Includes such well-known names as Tsunetomi, Shinsui, Shōen, Kiyoshi, etc. Japanese language only. EUR 42,00 36. Osaka Museum of History ...
Crafting a modern Japanese garden, I embrace tranquility by seamlessly incorporating Zen garden elements symbolizing serenity and mindfulness. The rock garden, a quintessential feature of Zen gardens, captivates with its simplicity and depth of meaning. ...