Consult Godchecker’s complete alphabetical list of Japanese god and goddess names. REGIONS COVERED: Japan. Many Gods are spread across different regions, cultures and tribes. We’ve tried to pin them down to a particular area if possible. But corrections are always welcome, especially from peopl...
Origin: Short form of names that end in -nina Description: Nina is as multiethnic as you can get: Nina is a common nickname name in Spain and Russia, a Babylonian goddess of the oceans, and an Incan goddess of fire. Here and now, it's a stylish possibility that's been underused. ...
for the driftingcosmos, and mud and sand accumulated upon it. A stake was driven in, and an inhabitable place was created. Finally, the godIzanagi(He Who Invites) and the goddessIzanami(She Who Invites) appeared. Ordered by their heavenly superiors, they stood on afloating bridgein heaven ...
I rely mainly on English and Japanese resources, but try to include Sanskrit, Chinese, and other spellings whenever possible for deity names, sutra titles, et. al. Credits for outside resources are listed above or below the text/image. Credits may also be viewed by holding the mouse ...
In far northern Japan the Ainu people believed that their toilet god, theRukar Kamuy,would be the first deity to provide help in times of danger. TheRukar Kamuyis one of manyKamuyor household gods. There isApasamn Kamuythe husband and wife god and goddess who keep evil spirits out of ...
manga, and in 1986 began his first original manga series You're Under Arrest. His second manga series Oh My Goddess!, also translated as Ah! My Goddess, is Fujishima's most famous work, which made him a household name in Japan. He is also well known as the character designer for...
When the sun goddess concealed herself, the world was plunged into darkness, plants stopped growing, and all activities came to a halt. Desperate for Amaterasu's return, 800 gods gathered to discuss ways of getting her to leave the cave. A wise god named Omori-kane proposed a solution. ...
There are approximately 100,000 surnames in Japan. A few—such asMononobe,Inbe, andNakatomi—date from at least fifteen centuries ago. (Surnames in small capitals appear as entries in the Dictionary.) Their bearers claim to be descended from the Sun Goddess’s grandson Ninigi or from his ...
goddess incarnated in a water deity-dragon or commanding them. At the same time, due to the ambivalence of her nature, ambiguously interpreted in various Buddhist sources, Benzaiten turned into a universal deity, identified with many other gods from the Shinto-Buddhist pantheon. For this reason,...
Amaterasu (天照)– Sun goddess, directly connected to the sun as the deity of the sun in Japanese mythology. Asami (朝美)–“Morning beauty,” symbolizing the beauty of the sunrise. Asa (朝)–“Morning,” directly connected to the time when the sun rises. ...