Starting with this first adaptation airing in 2004,Pretty Curehas become a magical girl franchise that has spawned numerous universes and spin-off stories that have charmed little girls all over Japan. The active Nagisa, star of the lacrosse team, and the book smart Honoka are chosen by the ...
the Starlight Waltz is the song the narrator sings while breaking up with someone. And this is despite admitting that he still likes the person: 今でも好きだ / 死ぬほどに (Ima de mo suki da/shinu hodo ni, I still love her now / so much that I would die). This basically defines ...
Bottom: Close-up of two preview nodes that show what the planet's surface will look like that can be used for quick testing and debugging (no object is selected for these previews, so they are colored black and pink, respectively). New Minimum RequirementsImproving our graphics means we ...
Sometimes the classics are the best way to go. That means getting your fuck on in the most standard of way, old school. Hard classic fuck videos are going to take you back.