Junpei is a Japanese name that means pure, peaceful. Sometimes spelled Jumpei, Junpei is a purely masculine name in Japan. However, in China, it can be either a girls’ name or a boys’ name, depending on the combination of characters used. 37. Jūrō Jūrō means ten son. This name c...
Provenance: A slip from a catalogue on the back indicates that it comes from a Paris sale, probably early 20th century describing it as Limande et dorade. Hokkei is best known for his surimono. He was originally a fishmonger, hence his name Totoya, and also accounts for the number of ...
Japanese Yokai can be cute. On the flipside, they can be utterly evil and scary too! Here are 15 deadly Yokai you’d never want to meet, within or outside of Japan.
Article 9 states that Japan rejects the use of armed force as a means of resolving international conflicts and refuses to establish armed forces for this purpose. For all its shortcomings, the new constitution marked an important step toward the democratization of the Japanese system of government ...
The oldest marks are black and gold marks found on lithophane Geisha wares. Blue and red seal marks occurs later. 634. Mark: Japanese reading: Eiwa Kinsei, "Eiwa (name) Respectfully Made". Probably last quarter 20th century. Click here to see large picture 799. Eiwa Kinsei, "Eiwa (...
If there are deeds worthy of praise, by all means see that they are praised. In every case where evil is to be punished and good rewarded, do so with concrete examples so that the people will be left with indelible expressions. Even though our speech might not be fluent, we must ...
Artists! Please sign up in the link below to join us as a vendor! Japanese Artist Pop Up Shop Application Toho BeadsArtists Japanese Snacks & Drinks Snacks and tea from our RESOBOX menu will be served at the event! See our past Japanese Pop-Up Shops below!
It was from this point onward that he started to become hard of hearing, and he began to call himself "Jiroken" which is a name that includes the words, "deaf ears."His style has a wide breadth, including the Ninsei style, the gold brocade kinrande style, akae red pottery, Cochi ...
The best way to get Erogold is to become an Erogames VIP member. Free vs. Paid Features You can sign up to play games on EroGames without spending a penny or even registering your credit card information. Many of the titles available are freemium, which means you can play them for free...
(which means 'circle' or 'round object') was created in 1871. The New Currency Act developed a monetary system similar to the European one, with a decimal account system. The Yen operated under a bimetallic standard of gold and silver until 1897, when it was left under a sole gold ...