She's very kind hearted, strong willed and supportive of others. In the Duel Monsters anime series, she and Tristan are basically cheerleaders for Yugi and Joey. She is known among hardcore fans for her "friendship speeches". Tea cares about friendship a lot, and keeps the group together. ...
It’s just that they can be a little stubborn and strong-willed. On the bright side, Shibas are easy to housebreak. In fact, often times, they’ll housebreak themselves. Shiba Inus are infamous for a distinguishable high-pitched scream, called the “Shiba Scream.” You can check it ...
Somenameidk 7月27日 英语(美国) 波兰语 日语 关于日语(日文)的问题 てやろう in japanese是什么意思? I consider my japanese level pretty decent, however I have recently been quite stumbled by Super Mario 64 of all things. Long story short there's thing bomb king guy on the first level. He...
and he accepted, but he wanted complete anonymity, so we couldn't use his name, his picture, or even say that he was That Satsu Guy on the forum. We
This is a beautifully tragic story about what women are often expected to bear under the name of tradition, or religion, or simply because they are considered “the weaker sex”. And even so, the women are the important and strong characters here, both in life and in death. I love this...
(精神力 seishinryoku) can translate into extreme training measures by coaches, such as running in a PE class under 34°C with 90% humidity (湿度 shitsudo) because some believe such challenges will only make the students strong-willed. But children are fragile, and parents are much more ...
Stating Senna is too strong-willed, he says she moved out on her own. Noting she was trembling, Ichigo slams his hand on the crate and blames himself for not being able to save her when she was in such a vulnerable state. Looking at the ribbon, he recalls Senna's words regarding her...
The male survivors were taken as prisoners to Kabul, a city whose ancient Greek name was Kofin, meaning the place were bees accumulate, or the place of honey, or a place rich in food supplies. Here, the men were forced to join the army. The women that survived were taken...