If you have Japanese heritage, you might consider a traditionally male name or perhaps one with a unique, cute, or cool meaning for your baby boy. By combining different kanji characters, you can create your own moniker that’s as unique or adorable as your new arrival! To help inspire ...
Unlike English, the pronunciation of Japanese vowels is constant, meaning they sound the same no matter where they are put –In English, the vowel “o” in “boy,”“flow,” and “mood” can sound totally different. In contrast, the Japanese“o” is pronounced almost the same wherever it...
The anthropologist Alfred Gell talks of how the self is distributed out into the world through objects and technologies, which he calls exuviae (borrowing a term from zoology meaning an animal’s sloughed skin). Such images are not just a representation of personhood but a remnant of a “host...
Not to forget Qualcomm was a few steps ahead proposing Secure Element in a chipset technique by having the new generation of Qualcomm chipsets rolling off the production lines with not only ARM TZ but also an embedded SE with the public announcement claiming that the use case is for SIM-less...
theChinesemeaningofadults. ~,Ta(square)GATAtosaythehonorificsuffix.Oftenattached tothesecondandthirdpersonalpronounsofthesuperordinate. Inordertoexpressrespect.EquivalenttoChinese[[]] [[ladies]][[ladies]],[everybody]means. ~(Jun)oncancerKun~~brotherkingunderthenameofthe malemainconnection.Callyourmale...
Equivalent to Chinese small to equal meaning. To (Temple). Dono is often used to show etiquette or respect after the name of a person or post. Mainly in public relations documents and letters. In a private letter, it is generally a male honorific. ~ ~ slightly lower than national level,...
animal. Equivalent to Chinese small to equal meaning. To (Temple). Dono is often used to show etiquette or respect after the name of a person or post. Mainly in public relations documents and letters. In a private letter, it is generally a male honorific. ...