Princess Sarashina, who is actually a female oni called Momji, “Maple Leaves,” having transformed herself, is seen screaming from behind a giant drum and raising a high wind scattering maple leaves against Taira no Koremori Ason who draws his sword to kill her. Published by Sanoya Tomi...
In the more southerly regions of Japan, coniferous forests gradually give way to deciduous broad-leaved forests of such trees as oak, beech, maple, chestnut, ash, linden, and a local variety of walnut. In southwestern Hokkaido, the broad-leaved coniferous forests grow in the coastal areas and...
Beyond my time, but now I take my share. My daughter’s choice, the maple tree is new. Come autumn and its leaves will turn to flame. What I must do Is live to see that. That will end the game For me, though life continues all the same: Filling the double doors to bathe my e...
Sadie’s Delight Japanese Maple. This wonderful little tree was given to me by one of our long time members Janice Meyers. Janice grew hundreds of Japanese maples from seed and this one just stood out as very unique. So she named it after her mother Sadie. Janice hung on to it for som...
The poem focuses on one a maple tree. James’s daughter gave him and its presence behind his home in Cambridge. He challenges himself to live to see its leaves change colors in autumn one last time. Japanese Maple Clive James Your death, near now, is of an easy sort.So slow a ...
and Japanese red and black pine. Throughout the gardens, tree varieties include beech, cherry, flowering dogwood, Japanese and vine maple, and countless other Pacific Northwest and Japanese plants and shrubs, such as boxwood, rhododendron, azalea, camellia, wisteria, tree peony, fern, yew and ...
Q. …some of my favorites fit in there—you know me with gold leaves! A.The full-moon maple,Acershirasawanum,is one of the best golden-leaf forms you can grow, a spectacular 15-foot tree whose foliage just glows[photo above].
I’m sure it looks odd to the neighbors, but since there can be a lot of beetles at the top of the tree, shaking is needed to get them to fly away and often lower to where I can get to them. I have to say, I think some of them have figured this out, or for some reason...
Japanese Maple Propagation Japanese maples can range from cheap to extraordinarily expensive at the store, which is why it can be a good project to propagate them yourself at home. Plus, if you have a tree that does particularly well in your or a neighbor’s yard, you can take a cutting...
“Zen” has come to have a larger meaning within American popular culture. Zen also connotes a sort of nondenominational metaphysical quality that transcends any particular spiritual forms or teachings. The word evokes the image of a beautiful rock garden or a weather beaten pine tree on a ...