Versenyezz a világ felhasználóival a Game Centeren keresztül. Játssz minden játékot (japán, kínai, orosz és angol), hogy meghódítsd az egész világot. Újdonságok Verziótörténet 2025. jan. 24. Verzió 13.0 1. Hozzáadva egy gratuláló videó; 2. Hibajavítás. ...
In witty and brutally honest vignettes, and interspersed with old letters from her expatriated family in North Korea, Ginny recounts her adolescence growing up Zainichi, an ethnic Korean born in Japan, and the incident that forced her to leave years prior. Inspired by her own childhood, ...
Danley, Robert Lyons In the Shade of Spring Leaves: The Life and Writings of Higuchi Ichiyō, A Woman of Letters in Meiji Japan New Haven: Yale University Press, 1981Darling-Wolf, Fabienne Imagining the Global: Transnational Media and Popular Culture Beyond East and West Ann Arbor : The ...
Aśoka can be rather well dated because he sent missionaries or letters to the contemporaryHellenisticmonarchs, Antiochus II Theos (Antiyoka) of theSeleucidKingdom, Ptolemy II Philadelphus (Turamaya) ofEgypt, Antigonus II Gonatas (Antikini) ofMacedonia, Magas (Maga) of Cyrene, and Alexander II ...
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