Acronyms Wikipedia Japanese beetle n. A metallic green and brown scarab beetle(Popillia japonica)native to eastern Asia, the larvae and adults of which feed on and damage the roots, foliage, and fruits of many North American turf, ornamental, and crop plants. ...
Influence of Central Asia on Japanese Drapery. The Encyclopædia Britannica says this about the Honpashiki Emon 翻波式衣文 style of drapery in Japan: “The folds are cut deeply in a simple measured rhythm, a technique suggestive of the string drapery of the colossal image of the Buddha at...
Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. Japanese quince n. See flowering quince. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. ...
JAS (redirected fromJapanese Agricultural Standard) Wikipedia Category filter: AcronymDefinition JASJames JASJournal of Animal Science JASJust a Suggestion JASJournal of Agricultural Science(Canadian Center of Science and Education) JASJapanese Association, Singapore ...
Emperor Shōwa (Hirohito), reigned 1926 – 1989; Credit – Wikipedia How did the succession change after World War II? The Constitution of Japan, written under the influence of theAllied Occupation of Japanled by AmericanGeneral Douglas MacArthurand enacted on May 3, 1947, was the new constitu...
However, their aggressive behaviour through replies on Twitter—a form of directed messaging that can be sent beyond follow-follower relationships—is less understood, and even less is known about the language use differences of this behaviour. We conducted a comparative study of anti-vaxxers’ ...
Acronyms Wikipedia Japanese beetle n. A metallic green and brown scarab beetle(Popillia japonica)native to eastern Asia, the larvae and adults of which feed on and damage the roots, foliage, and fruits of many North American turf, ornamental, and crop plants. ...
But since Japanese is a language that normally gets along perfectly well without articles, it’s a bit challenging to understand what use it can make of ザ in the first place. Even more puzzling is that, more often than not, ザ shows up in places where English syntax wouldn’t want you...
In addition, the museum says a "Black Book" from Hieizan's Myoutoku-in (比叡山明徳院) was found at the back of the mandala, giving it the name 三天合形曼荼羅 (Mandala of Three Deva), and indicating probable Shugendō influence. Most of the figures along the border are “probably” ...
Prior to World War II, the Japanese-American community resided in an area 15 blocks north of Jackson Street, known as Nihonmachi (or Japantown). Their influence can be seen all the way back to the late 1800s, when Dearborn Street was named Mikado Street and Japanese-owned-and-operated ...