暴風雨 is a Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja word meaning rainstorm, storm, or tempest. Bolt of Lightning / Lightning Attack Tokkan Customize & Buy tokkan 突貫is a Japanese word that can be translated as lightning attack, charge, or rush. It's about a fast run or attack at...
Lightning Fast Search Japanese’s search engine is now quicker than ever, delivering to you the most relevant results in real time. Predictive Search Search by kanji or radical and Japanese will predict the complete word with its predictive search feature. Handwriting Recognition Draw any kanji in...
Lightning Fast Search Search from over 180,000 dictionary entries and 58,000 example sentences and see the most relevant results as you type. Learn more about Search Handwriting Recognition Draw any kanji or kana with handwriting recognition and Japanese will decipher and display the most likely cha...
mozcpy - Mozc for Python: Kana-Kanji converter jamorasep - Japanese text parser to separate Hiragana/Katakana string into morae (syllables). text2phoneme - 日本語文を音素列へ変換するスクリプト jntajis-python - A fast character conversion and transliteration library based on the scheme defined...
Animelon uses multiple layer subtitles, Katakana, Hiragana, Romaji, Japanese with Kanji and English.On Animelon, you can also click to get a translation on any words you do not understand.Tired of learning from a Japanese textbook? Learn Japanese the fun way by watching anime and On ...
Looking for a complete list of Japanese female names with meanings and ideograms (Kanji)? Suki Desu has just shared one of the best lists you will find in your life, with great names to give to your daughter or pet. It is worth mentioning that despite presenting a meaning, it is ...
There are hundreds of martial arts titles to choose for your custom Chinese character or Japanese Kanji wall scroll...If you own a dojo, dojang, any kind of Asian martial arts studio, or you practice any kind of martial arts, a custom wall scroll will add a touch of class to your wal...
電氣is the title for electricity in Japanese Kanji. This can also be used to mean lightning in Japanese. See Also: Thunder | Energy | Rain This in-stock artwork might be what you are looking for, and ships right away... STRENGTH / POWER Chinese / Japanese Kanji Wall Scroll $39.77 ≈ ...
Bai 霾 (misty, foggy; made up of radical for rain 雨, and the old kanji for tanuki 貍) Furudanuki 古狸 (old tanuki, one able to shape shift) Iwadanuki 岩狸 (hyrax, a small herbivorous mammal) Kan 貛 (badger) Kitsune 狐 (fox) Kodanuki 小狸 (baby tanuki, small tanuki) Kokkuri 狐...
The kanji character 態 (tai) means “condition,”“appearance,” and “action.” To confuse the matter even more, there are some words that have both giongo and gitaigo elements. For example, there is ぐうぐう (gūgū). When you use gūgū as giongo, it mimics the sound of snoring. ...