the use of the vital kyūsho. Yoshimitsu is the soke of Daitō-ryū Jūjutsu, named after the town Daitō(modern day Shiga), which in turn gave birth to many Japanese styles as it was transmitted through the Minamoto and Takeda lineages into Judo, Aikido, Hapkido, and Brazilian Jiujitsu....
I have studied many styles over the years,and with hindsight have come to a realisation of how the martial arts have developed. Much of it is down to fashion and making money, and little of it to combat efficiency.The first style that I studied was jiu jitsu and at the time I didn'...
Youcanuseagrapplingmaneuverorjointlocking StrikeswiththehandsandfeetareapartofJu-doaswell Aswellasweapondefenses JudohasoftenleadtoanumberofdifferentmartialartssuchasBrazilianJiu-Jitsu andSambo KENDOけんどHISTORY Kendowascreatedbytheearliestsamuraiduringtheかまくらperiod KendowasinfluencedheavilybyZenBuddhism Back...
Read More » December 29, 2023 Japanese Jiu-Jitsu Vocabulary: Understanding BJJ’s Japanese Vocabulary As you step onto the mats and embark on your journey in the world of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, you’re not Read More » August 29, 2023...