Konbanwa(orkombanwa) こんばんは,meaning good evening, is primarily used—you guessed it—in the evening and at night. There’s no exact time you must begin using this phrase instead ofkonnichiwa. In general, though,once it starts to get dark out, this is the greeting to use. Pronunciati...
Is the master [of this home in]? goshujinsama irasshaimasuka?ご主人様いらっしゃいますか?(same meaning.) Maid note: so when a maid said goshujinsama, she could be referring to the "husband" of the house where she serves. "I'll go get the goshujinsama," could imply "I'll go get ...
Let’s talk about unisex Japanese names that mean protector, perfect for any child. Take Akira, which means ‘bright.’ It’s like a light shining in the dark, a symbol of protection. Then there’s Michi, meaning ‘pathway.’ It’s about guiding and protecting, like a safe road ahead....
Good morning. Pronunciation: Listen to the audio file for "Ohayou." Japanese Characters: おはよう。 Notes: "Ohayou gozaimasu (おはようございます)" can be used in formal situations. More simple Japanese Phrases
friend Major Gilbert. While she is finding it difficult to adjust to life in a world that now feels unfamiliar to her, Violet continues her job as an Auto Memory Doll who ghostwrites letters for other people. All the while, she searches for the meaning behind Gilbert’s final words to ...
Polite/Formal –When greeting a stranger, a senior in the work environment, or someone who’s older than yourself: おはようございます!(Ohayougozaimasu!)– Good morning! Friendly –When greeting a friend or someone who’s younger than yourself: おはよう!(Ohayou!)–‘Morning! Slang –When...
This is one of those ways to say hello in Japanese… especially when yelling from across the street. Good way to get a friend’s attention. 13. Kyou wa donna kanji? 今日は、どんな感じ? Kyou wa donna kanji? How’s your day? (Very casual) Kyou meaning today, donna meaning how/what...
When you omit the sound of “u” in Tsuuki, it becomes a different word (Tsuki) with a different meaning. There are many words that sound almost alike in Japanese like these, but be careful not to shorten vowels! 2- Not Pronouncing Vowels after Consonants, Especially for “Imported” ...
(in Japanese) on her website — the lucky duck. On this other blog-site these guys post photos of their meet-and-greets with Misaki-san, and talk about having conversations they had with her. Good for them of course. I guess-maybe-sortaI feel a little jealous of these other fans...
Type In Quiz Test StudyStack Study Table Bug Match Hungry Bug Unscramble Chopped + SHARE apps export edit print Japanese Vocabulary Japanese words WordMeaning OhayooGood Morning Ohayoo GozaimasuGood Morning (polite) KonnichiwaGood Afternoon KonbanwaGood...