First and foremost, this project is a labor of love. Second, it is a tribute to Kamakura, my home for the past 20 years, and home to dozens of temples from the Kamakura Era (1185-1333), which still house and display wondrous life-size wooden statues from the 8th century onward. ...
protect the house from earthquakes and typhoons.Cisekor Kamuy,a male god, sits in the east corner of the house and watches over everything. He is the husband ofApehuci Kamuy,the goddess of fire.Colpep Kamuyis the god of containers, thanks are given to this god when containers are retire...
52855 10 Back-to-Back Blasts of Costume Play Cream Pie! 2 MDS-729 160:00 1 29967 1000 Hands Mercy Goddess, Tsubomi Kannon RKI-058 120:00 1 42415 3D Virtual Masturbation Navigator(Compressed) DDT-349 232:00 1 62451 A Cock Bent Upwards Puts Tsubomi in Long-Lasting Ecstasy WANZ-159 ...
Lepekhova, Elena. "DRAGON AND GODDESS: THE CULT OF GODDESS SARASWATI IN JAPAN."Vostok. Afro-aziatskie obshchestva: istoriia i sovremennost, no. 5 (2023): 166. Full text Abstract:
A surimono showing the Japanese Buddhist goddess Benten, as always with her lute, and a monkey and rat holding a scroll showing the short months (2,4,7,9,12) for the Rat year, 1828. Benten (Hindu: Saraswati) originates from India via China. She is also one of the Seven Gods of ...
MSD203 When I returned home for the Spring Festival, I met a poor loser who turned into a rich young man and a goddess threw herself into his arms SZL031 Single woman was stalked and molested by a lewd man on her way home from get off work PMS011-1 play to the End (Part 1)...
The goddess of sensuality and revelry. Because of her role in enticing the sun goddess to reveal herself, she is also considered the goddess of dawn. Benzaiten The water goddess and patroness of learning, art, music, poetry, rhetoric, eloquence, and all “things that flow.” She is origina...
goddess, and the cultural focus of harmony. From around AD 500, the Japanese referred to themselves asYamato, which was also the name of their central island, created in myth by the eighth son of the sun goddess; they currently pronounce these characters asNipponorNihon(de Bary & Dykstra, ...
of the blue oni takes on the appearance of Hyottoko, the male pairing of Otafuku. Known as the Goddess of Mirth, Otafuku is often shown with the Seven Gods of Good Fortune. There are various theories as to her origins and her face, in the form of a mask, has become ubiquitous. ...
Goddess who brings good fortune. Kudoku Tennyo功德天女(akaKichijouten) Wives of theGandharvas(heavenly musicians). Also related to theNINYO二女, which literally means “two sisters.” One is thedevaKudoku-Tennyo功德天女, the sister of "merit" or “achieving," who causes people to acquire wea...