The movie follows a young widow named Keiko (Hideko Takamine) and her struggle to find happiness for herself while also honouring her husband’s memory after his death. As was his signature, Naruse handles the surface story with a graceful touch, allowing the ultimately bleak conclusion to ...
Emperor Akihito will be the first ruler to abdicate the Chrysanthemum Throne, and the future of the ceremonial position remains murky.
An unconventional interpretation of the poem which has Nakamaro left in a high pagoda to starve to death for attempting to steal the secrets of the Chinese calendar. He gazes at the moon (seen here reflected in the sea) and asks if it’s the same moon as that rising over his homeland...
He shall transcend life and death and never forfeit the merits he accumulates. He shall attain enlightenment.". To learn more about Benzaiten's differing portrayals in various translations of the sutra, see Ludvik, Chapter 7. BENZAITEN SUTRAS. In Japan's medieval period Era Names & Dates: ...
Faces of Horror, Dances of Death: Female Revenants and Suburban Hauntings in New Millennial Japanese Horror Films. In: The Monstrous-Feminine in Contemporary Japanese Popular Culture. East Asian Popular Culture. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. Download ...
Applied to the walls of the hall are small relief carvings of celestials, the host believed to have accompanied Amida when he descended from the Western Paradise to gather the souls of believers at the moment of death and transport them in lotus blossoms to Paradise. Raigō paintings on the ...
After his father’s death, Zeami became the chief figure in the Noh. He directed the Kanze school of Noh that his father had established and that had profound and lasting influence. Zeami not only continued to perform brilliantly but also wrote and revised plays prolifically. He is credited...
of the kingdoms in Japan; she “was old and unmarried, and had devoted herself to magic.” Also according to the Chinese records, when Queen Himiko died, a great mound was raised over her, and more than 1,000 of her male and female attendants followed her in death. She was succeeded ...
This is also the basic structure of the Sho¯ryo¯e (Assembly for the Sacred Spirit of the Sage, full title Sho¯ryo¯e bugaku daiho¯yo¯ 精霊会舞楽大法要), held annually at Shitenno¯ ji in Osaka on the occasion of the day of Sho¯ toku Taishi 聖徳太子's death (...
and there is a heavy sense of autobiographical elements of an author accessing his legacy by revisiting his roots. Miyazaki has chosen to make his farewell by telling a story about dreams and man’s pursuit of them. In life, we may achieve our dreams, but not in the way we want to ac...