Consequently, many Japanese names can be written differently, with distinct meanings, and sound the same. This is important to note because trends in Japanese names often revolve around a specific kanji rather than a single name, and this is reflected in our list of Japanese boy names. 1. Ak...
read the dissertation prepared by Yuka Matsugu entitled Cosmo Girls and Playboys: Japanese Femininity and Masculinity in Gendered Magazines and recommend that it be accepted as fulfilling the dissertation requirement for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy Kimberly Jones Date: 11/20/2006 Timothy J. Va...
License to Live turns out to be a low-key, observational series of vignettes that slowly culminate in a moving meditation on the things that make the life of a human being worth living. Continue reading → Posted in film | Tagged Aki Kaurismaki, Creepy, Cure, J-horror, Japanese cinema...
38. Girls of the Night (1961) Photograph: Janus Films Director: Kinuyo TanakaA deeply patriarchical society, Japan still hasn’t produced more than a clutch of female filmmakers. It took a 1930s starlet, Kinuyo Tanaka, to make the leap to auteur status. She only made six films, combatti...
A Japanese friend who had just changed jobs complained to me that the new work environment was really ザ・会社 (za kaisha, “the” company). Which was to say it was full of red tape, opaque procedures, cemented hierarchies and everything else one commonly associates with the unpleasant asp...
It was exciting to add faces to names of translators we know from other countries! This session with Lisa was helpful in terms of discussing translation technique for an issue that can be an ordeal for J to E translators, but I also came out of it with a number of good non-technical ...
The National Gallery’s Curator of Australian Prints and Drawings, Dr Sarina Noordhuis-Fairfax hopes that Geelong and Victorian audiences will add the names Spowers and Syme to their knowledge of ground-breaking women artists from the era including Margaret Preston, Thea Proctor, Dorrit Black and ...
So much so that you can't really go wrong, especially if you follow the golden rules below about when and how to use suffixes that I'll share with you below. Why Do You Use Suffixes In Japanese? In many languages, some words or pieces are attached to people’s names to clarify more...
I read this story a long time ago and remembered that it was a particularly sad story of internment that I couldn’t bring myself to read to my girls. The little Japanese girl is given a bracelet by her American friend that she brings to an internment camp and gets lost. [picture book...
(“Many Japanese guys aren’t really great with that kind of thing.”) そういうちょっとしたレディーファーストとか優しいところを見せてあげると感心してもらえると思いますよ。 (“so I think… that you can appeal to girls by having a “ladies first” mentalit...