Ayako is a lovely Japanese girl’s name that means “writings, child” or “kimono design” and is one of the most popular choices. 15. Bashira One of the most adorable Japanese girl names out there, this one is described as “joyful.” If Bashira’s name is too difficult for a lit...
From Japanese 鈴 (rei) meaning "bell", 麗 (rei) meaning "beautiful, lovely" or 玲 (rei) meaning "the tinkling of jade". This name can also be formed by other kanji with the same pronunciation. Reiko 玲子, 礼子, 麗子, れいこ f JapaneseFrom Japanese 玲 (rei) meaning "the tinkling...
So, your little girl could have a Japanese name with the meaning “intelligent beauty,”“wise truth,”“beautiful friend,” etc.PronunciationJust as meanings can differ, so can pronunciation. Many Japanese girl names have common and traditional meanings that parents might choose to adopt. However...
Rei 鈴, 麗 meaning: 鈴 (bell) or 麗 (lovely). Ren 蓮, 恋 meaning: 蓮 (lotus) or 恋 (romance, love). Riko 莉子, 理子 meaning: 莉 [ri] (jasmine) or 理 [ri] (truth) + 子 [ko] (child). Rin 凛meaning (dignified, severe, cold) . Rina 莉奈, 里菜 meaning: 莉 [ri] (jasm...
It’s no secret that Japanese girl names are very beautiful and usually have deep and lovely meanings that make them special and unique. If you have Japanese roots or want a name for your baby that does, this list should help! Plus, there are names from popular anime series or manga com...
one of my favorite AKB members … no,favorite entertainers… no, favoritepeople. You are one of the world’s most beautiful women. Much has been written in the fandom about your … um … assets, but I sincerely do not mean that it in a snarky way. You were and still are lovely. ...
Other Meanings:Hope, firefly, lovely, engagement, understand, clever, aromatic, and great Description:It was originally a boy’s name but has become a popular girl name; it can be a nickname for Keiko. Kiko Origin:Japanese Meaning:Hope ...
s bad for the fermentation and taste of sake. So, the more you mill the rice, the cleaner, elegant and refine the sake is. Cheap sake uses the cheap rice and the entire grain.Super-premium sake is made with Yamada Nishiki Rice (a rice variety ESPECIALLY made for sake) that are ...
Reina is a Japanese name, which means wise or beautiful, depending on the kanji characters. You can name your girl after this to represent your little princess as charming, lovely, and intelligent. 6. Sakura (桜姫) Meaning “Cherry blossom princess.” ...
This week, I want to share some of the art prints available from Japanese artistHaruto Morita. She creates beautiful images, many of which feature lovely Japanese women in kimono! She is originally from Kita-Katsushika County, Saitama Prefecture, Japan. ...