GeneralPolicySpeechOfPrimeMinisterOfJapan - これは日本の総理大臣の一般政策演説のコーパスです。 wrime - WRIME: 主観と客観の感情分析データセット jtubespeech - JTubeSpeech:YouTubeから収集された日本語音声のコーパス WikipediaWordFrequencyList - 日本語Wikipediaで使用される頻出単語のリスト kok...
Long sounds in Japanese are a general term for lengthened vowels and we don’t need to learn any new kana to read and write them.In Hiragana, long sounds are represented by vowels. For example, the second お in the word “(Ōsaka) おおさか” is an elongation of the previous お. In...
datasets_JGLUE - JGLUE: Japanese General Language Understanding Evaluation for huggingface datasets commonsensemoral-ja - JCommonsenseMorality is a dataset created through crowdsourcing that reflects the commonsense morality of Japanese annotators. cometatomic-ja - COMET-ATOMIC yes dcsgja - Dialogue ...
Forum: General Discussion FREE REQUEST [CLOSED]Phil Alone - Translator PHIL ALONE A game made to Ludum Dare 47 - Stuck in a loop *Players with poor psychological, we suggest not playing this game...* About The Game Meet Phil Phil is alone in home when he wakes up and wants go out ...
Lieutenant-General Mori Rintarō (森林太郎, February 17, 1862 – July 8, 1922), known by his pen name Mori Ōgai (森鴎外), was a Japanese Army Surgeon general officer, translator, novelist, poet and father of famed author Mari Mori. He obtained his medical license at a very young age...
The generator scores the URLs in the CrawlDB in accordance with its customization and then extracts the “top N” URLs as the URL list to fetch. 3. The fetcher references the URL list and fetches the contents from the Web. The fetcher detects whether a URL points to a general HTML page...
Looking more like a spaceship control panel than a synth, and sounding absolutely massive, the System-100 is a real high watermark for Roland and analogue synthesizers in general. ADVERTISEMENT But Roland was just getting started. That same year also saw the debut of the System-700, a full-...
The program mendex is a general purpose hierarchical index generator; it accepts one or more input files (.idx; often produced by a text formatter such as LaTeX),
But at Fort Shafter Lt. Col. Kendall Fielder, General Walter Short’s intelligence chief, had no interpreter yet either. Fielder knew that Hickam hoped to mount a retaliation strike, so he ordered the Atkins to deliver the map there.
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