In a nutshell, language immersion consists of surrounding yourself in whatever language you want to learn. This is done through reading, writing, listening, speaking and thinking in that language. The more you surround yourself in a foreign language, the faster you’ll learn it. For those learn... link), which are collections of Japanese folk tales, with one book for each year of grade school. One nice thing about this is that these stories tend, more than most other books I’ve read, to use a lot of colloquialisms, which is a great way to learn some areas of ...
based on her interpretations of traditional Japanese tales, these charming stories of rich imagination are now accompanied by Japanese text by Yumi Matsunari and Yumi Yamaguchi. The Japanese text includes basic kanji accompanied by furigana to help beginning learners to recognize and learn the character...
Children’s fables, fairytales and old folktales (昔話, むかしばなし) provide great insight into Japanese culture, as many social lessons are taught through these texts. Popular fables includeMomotaro(桃太郎, ももたろ),Shitakiri Suzume(舌きり雀, したきりすずめ) andTsuru no Ongaeshi(鶴の...
While graded readers have become more popular for language learners in many languages, they're still relatively new in Japanese, so unfortunately there are fewer options available than you can find in English or Spanish, for example. That said, there are a couple of great options we think will...
While the show itself isn't new, there were 64 new conversations recorded this year. These recordings are fantastic for late-beginner and intermediate learners for a few different reasons: Children are asking the questions. That means the language is simple. You're getting a professional answer ...