Consequently, many Japanese names can be written differently, with distinct meanings, and sound the same. This is important to note because trends in Japanese names often revolve around a specific kanji rather than a single name, and this is reflected in our list of Japanese boy names. 1. Ak...
Japanese girl names offer many options for unique monikers. From traditional Japanese female names with strong meanings to cute, cool, or rare options for your baby girl, we’ve got them all. As you peruse our list, you’ll find names with several different kanji characters, various meanings,...
A 27-year-old female Chinese hiker, Dongying Qiu, went missing at Mt. Whitney, California in western U.S., since last Sunday. The rescuers are continuing to search for her and calling for all hikers to provide information. Oil prices keep rising ahead of OPEC meeting Oil prices settled hi...
We took advantage of a domesticated bird species, the Japanese quail, for which parental behaviour towards chicks can be induced in virgin non-reproductive adults through a sensitization procedure, a process that is not effective in all animals. We used the variation in parental responses to study...
Forget gender equality just think of the women that are trying but can't have children. 11% of women will not be able to have children, the suicide rate among this group is 10% ! Accounting for the largest portion of female suicides. ...
that the fine-scale regulation of the mTOR pathway is sex-specific, as seen in the differential expression of most of the genes studied. Female birds exhibited higher body mass and more intensive mass loss than males and demonstrated intensified reduction inmTORgene expression with increasing ...
Here, we report a Japanese case with a reported PRUNE1 mutation whose brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed specific imaging findings that have not been reported before. The patient was a 12-month-old girl, the first child of healthy and nonconsanguineous Japanese parents. She showed ...
The toddlers were presented with a prerecorded sentence that lasted 2.5 s: “X: Which is an X?” Here X stands for the target letters. The sentences were recorded by a Japanese-speaking, 20-year-old female in a sound-treated room. Table 1 Stimuli and letter properties in present study....
Fifteen children (one male and 14 female) aged 5 to 6 years participated in the study. We obtained the school principal’s and the parents’ permission to conduct the study. From the perspective of joint labor, we focused on a mathematical quiz activity in which students and teachers quizzed...
Very little is known about the religious beliefs and practices of the inhabitants of the Japanese islands in the prehistoric period, but the earliest Japanese religion had much in common with theshamanismof northeasternAsia. A Chinese chronicle of the 3rd centurycementions that a female shaman ruler...