Late Spring is the story of a young woman (Hara), eventually put in a position of being compelled to choose between remaining unmarried, living with her father (Chishû Ryû, another giant of Japanese cinema), or getting married, and moving on to a new phase in her life. You don’...
In an attempt to assert their independence, the Chinese began building a series of railroads that would in part encircle the Japanese lines and terminate atHuludao, a port which the Chinese were developing.Zhang Xueliang, Zhang Zuolin’s son and the ruler of Manchuria after his father’s murde...
This leaflet was mailed to by an Australian airman to his father at home. He wrote on the back: Dear Dad, I am sending you this Jap propaganda leaflet. The Nips often drop these, but of course we know about all these promises of his. I received your letter and will answer it during...
For the second plenary session, Kyoko Oda will present her father’sTule Lake Stockade Diaryand I will shareWe Hereby RefuseandThe Literature of Japanese American Incarcerationto center the events at Tule Lake and provide a context for the experience of segregees and renunciants. The anthology inc...
For my trip, I was very fortunate to be helped by my dive buddy, Martin, who lives in Tokyo and is fluent in Japanese, having grown up with an American father and a Japanese mother. Martin put me in touch with Yoshihiro Ito, who is the Japanese “salamander whisperer” and one of th...
Russia drops "Father of All Bombs" on ISIS leaders Peru's bear protectors intend to tap China's experience in conserving pandas Iraqi commander: Mosul should be captured 'in a maximum of 3 weeks' French President Hollande backs pro-European Macron EU leaders in Brussels finalize their negotiatio...
So when I first learned of the organized resistance at Heart Mountain, which incidentally was my father’s camp, I felt like I’d found a missing link. And the more we scripted out the story, the more we could see that it would shift the paradigm of Japanese American history and show ...
father of the family took all passports to the US diplomatic mission and obtained the immigrant status visas, all approved and issued by vice-consul Rudolph W. Heftl. Next step was obtaining the important and very odd destination Japanese visa, 3 visas (No. 28, 29 & 30) all being issued...
PS: My Foster father was a Nisei 2nd Generation Japanese American who’s family were held in detainment camps while he and his Brother Fought in Europe in the Famed 442nd RCT 100th Bn. because the Japanese started the war the 442 RCT 100th BN ...
Human AU- Alfred's lover is his father's EX Isolationism -USA leaves after WWI Jealousy over England'sromantic past Kuroshitsuji Crossover Love Potion #9 Manipulation by Ignoring while in established relationship McDonald's menu changing to suit UK's taste Native!America x England Nekotalia and...