Dictionary / Translation Culture / Society Other Pick Up Website Denshi Jisho This is an online Japanese-English/English-Japanese dictionary. You can look up the meaning of words and phrases, and there are tons of example sentences. view more App search Here are some useful apps for those who...
Romajidesu Japanese to English and English to Japanese Dictionary which features powerful but easy-to-use tools for Japanese learners. You can type the word in Japanese, Hiragana, Romaji or English and get the word definitions as well as sample sentences
The Most Complete & Free Japanese-English Dictionary Online!Exclusively for JapanesePod101 users! Find any word and translation you're looking for! Search using Japanese, or English and get bonus native audio pronunciation. Save words directly to your personal word bank from the dictionary. Want ...
The online Japanese to English Dictionary. Over 300,000 English translations of Japanese words and phrases. Check spelling, grammar and
Our complete Japanese/English dictionary is just one of our many excellent tools that help you on your way to Japanese! Start typing any Japanese text or English word in the search box above to begin searching. English word search example: house Japanese word search example: いいえ Kanji...
Japanese Dictionary is an English/Japanese online dictionary that you can search both Japanese words and Kanji (Chinese characters) quickly and easily.
Japanese <> English online translation. Japanese <> English dictionary, monolingual Japanese dictionary and other resources for the Japanese language.
EdictJapanese-English dictionary Edict. KandjidicJapanese-English kanji dictionary Kanjidic. EnamdictJapanese-English proper name dictionary Enamdict. UnihanUnicode Han Database, prep. by LiBeiFeng. ChekhovJapanese-Russian alligned translations of works by Anton Chekhov. ...
34. Denshi Jisho — Online Japanese Diictionary (EN<->JA) 35. Japanese Pharmacological Society Glossary (EN>JA) Entries: 2591 36. English>Japanese Intel® 's Trademarks and Brands (EN>JA) Entries: 500 37. IFLA Multilingual Dictionary of Cataloguing Terms and Definitions (MULTI) 38....
Online English Chinese Japanese dictionary: various Chinese English dictionaries, and Japanese English dictionaries. オンライン日中英辞書:英和、和英、中日、日中、英中、中英、英英、日本語、中国語辞典。— 东查查西查查(dongchacha xichacha) — Look East Look West — どんちゃちゃしちゃちゃ 東を調...