In Japanese mythology, the Japanese creation myth (Tenchikaibyaku lit. "creation of heaven and earth"), is the story that describes the legendary birth of the celestial and earthly world, the birth of the first gods and the birth of the Japanese archipelago. This story is described first ha...
Magical Creatures A group of monkeylike creatures called kappa displays both good and evil qualities in Japanese myth. Associated with water, they live in rivers, ponds, and lakes and carry water in a hollow space on top of their heads. If the water spills, the kappa lose their magical ...
). Like the legend of the phoenix, the tale of the Samruk is a regeneration myth that suits Kazakhstan well.”— Embassy of Kazakhstan Local folklore adds a few more details, ” “>Kazakh legends have it that on the World River bank, there grows the Tree of Life, called Bayterek. ...
Japanese Yokai can be cute. On the flipside, they can be utterly evil and scary too! Here are 15 deadly Yokai you’d never want to meet, within or outside of Japan.
“It is the very essence of myth to relate everything to the origin (archē) of all things: in so doing it answers man’s questions about the “what” and the “how” of the universe” (Baumgartner et al. 196). Nowadays science and technology has advanced considerably and we can now...
The ocean tutelaries worshipped at the shrines Sumiyoshi Jinja and Munakata Taisha are believed to be related to this same Watatsumi of myth. On the other hand, the sea kami which served as the common people's objects of supplication for safe ocean passage and abundant catches on the sea ...
Sadokova, Anastasiya Ryurikovna. "MYTH-FOLKLORIC CONCEPTIONS OF THE JAPANESE GODS - GATE KEEPERS."Philological Sciences. Issues of Theory and Practice, no. 5-2 (May 2018): 279–83. ...
Since the beginning of human history, people have lived in close contact with animals—usually as hunters and farmers—and have developed myths and legends about them. All kinds of creatures, from fierce leopards to tiny spiders, play important roles in mythology. A myth can give special ...
Solving the mystery of what the heck happened to Tokyo — which is also now overrun by spirits called Visitors that resemble creatures of Japanese myth and folklore — is priority number one. And while Akito is a puny human, KK's presence bestows him with the power to save the lost souls...
Deities (Kami) & CreaturesFestivals & CeremoniesSacred SitesTerminologyLearn MoreResources listed atbottom of each pageShintō 神道. Also spelledShinto. Also known as Kami-no-Michi 神の道 (Way of the Gods). HIGHLIGHTSSpirits, sacred incantations, and superstitions are the specialties of Shintō ...