Any fresh produce or ready-to-eat meals that don't get sold near the end of the day tend to get discounted, sometimes by up to 50%! While the selection will certainly be less than if you went shopping midday, you will definitely be able to save quite a bit of money by shopping lat...
Walk into a Japanese neighborhood bakery, and you may be surprised by the slightly odd selection of “pan,” or breads. These baked goods are based on French and Portuguese traditions, but with a uniquely Japanese twist.Pick up a tray at the bakery entrance, and use the metal prongs to ...
In addition to being barrier-free, U2 eateries are flexible, catering to vegan, vegetarian, halal, and gluten-free requests. Inoue also touted the new origami style paper take out coffee cups and biodegradable non-plastic straws, water refill stations, and compost bin. Bilingual U2 website: ht...