This contribution refers to the Building Standard Law in Japan and by focusing especially on the part which is related to seismic forces, shows how to protect humans and property (in Japan) from earthquake disasters. In 1981, the Law was amended to introduce plastic design into architecture. ...
- This is a digital archive of geotagged tweets that were tweeted within 24 hours of the occurrence of the Great East Japan Earthquake. pitchaccent - Predict pitch accent in Japanese kanaipa - Command to convert "hiragana" or "katakana" into International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) symbols when...
By what means, then, was the switch-over made from homes of paper and wood to efficient urban complexes of earthquakeproof reinforced concrete? The answer, during the Meiji era, was gaslighting and brick, followed in the second and third decades of the new century by an interval of Art ...
Informs on the community spirit amongst the Japanese in the face of the disaster wrought by the Kobe earthquake in January 1995. Volunteer workers; Cooperation; Criticism of the government's unpreparedness and delayed response; Psychology of the quake victims; Problems being faced by the homeless....
One title that's been on my "must find" list for a long time is Inflatocookbook, a 1971 self-published manifesto and how-to manual for inflatable architecture by the San Francisco-based art collective known as Ant Farm. I just found a... [read the full post...] Posted by greg ...