I think the most famous Nine-tailed fox in Japan is Tamamonomae(玉藻前).
120 Shinto Gods and Goddesses to Know 9 Creepy and Annoying Yokai You’d Be Horrified to Have in Your Home Japanese History: A Timeline of Periods and Events The Chinese Ten Courts of Hell: A Visual Introduction
It is our goal to study and explore as many as possible themes of myth and legend, as well as the cultural ritual practices that might in some way be connected to, that may have been the origin of the ancient myths and legends of Japan. DNA research has established that there are many...
Flying-Dragon Tanuki 飛龍狸 (in red robe) Battles 9-Tailed White Fox 白九尾の狐. From a mid- 20th-century Kami Shibai 紙芝居 (Paper Theatre Drawing). Photo Tokyo Metropolitan Library. For more details about this drawing, see below. Fox (or a Tanuki or Mujina?).Holding jewel. Unsigned ...
(766-822 AD), the founder of Japan’s Tendai sect. Saichō had studied the teachings in China, and the name he gave the kami probably came from the Chinese god who protected Mount Tientai 天台 in China (Mt. Tientai, Zhejiang Province, China).Read the legendof how Saichō chose the ...
In flow cytometry analyses, Fc receptors were blocked for 5 min on ice using an anti-CD16/CD32 (BioLegend, 156603). To determine cell viability, Zombie NIRTM Fixable Viability Kit was used following the manufacturer’s instructions (BioLegend, 423105). Then the brain single cells were staine...
Of another mythical complex suggesting a provenance from the Indo-Aryan-Iranic region and where sake becomes a substitute for soma, it has been observed [by Indo-European folklorists (Littleton 1981) that the legend ofSusanoo slaying the eight-headed and eight-forked tailed Yamata-no-orochi serp...
Legend has it that there was a flower with mysterious power that could only be found by the chosen one. There were many who sought power in their search for the flower, but their efforts were in vain. Only one young man had overcome the obstacles in his path and reached the flower. ...
At Kosenji Temple in Kusatsu Onsen town (Gunma Prefecture), there is mysteriously placed among the other bodhisattva steles, dosojin statues, etc. a very small statue that is almost identical to the dol hareubang or stone grandfather guardians of Cheju I
Temple legend claims that Kōbō Daishi 弘法大師 (774 - 835 CE) invited-invoked the Tenkawa Benzaiten to also reside at Kōfukuji. These statues are located inside a three-storied pagoda (itself a national treasure) on the grounds at Kōfukuji. They are shown to the public only one day ...