CQ4: What are the incidence and prevalence rates of anaphylaxis? The incidence is estimated to be 0.1–2.4%49 [C1]. CQ5: What are main causes of anaphylaxis? The number of annual deaths in Japan is approximately 60. Two major causes are pharmaceutical drugs (increasing) and bee punctures ...
High prevalence rates are found in painters (isocyanate); bread and needle makers; nurses; those who work with chemicals; animal handlers; welders; those working in food-processing, and lumbering; and so forth (Table 2). Table 2. Incidence of occupational asthmas in main occupational groups ac...
Testing the same viruses in mosquitoes revealed that the rates of infection, dissemination and transmission were higher in virus strains belonging to G-I than G-III, and that the extrinsic incubation period was shorter for the G-I strains. These data suggest that the characteristics of JEV ...