If you know the 1000 most common words in Japanese you will understand 60.5% of Japanese text. Textbooks and apps often teach you less-frequency words that we don’t quite use often. That’s not the most efficient way of learning Japanese if your goal is to understand real-life Japanese ...
Master Japanese effortlessly with 3k essential words, over 100k example sentences, hands-free learning, quizzes, spaced repetition, sync, dictionary, and notifi…
Master Japanese effortlessly with 3k essential words, over 100k example sentences, hands-free learning, quizzes, spaced repetition, sync, dictionary, and notifi…
The Japanese language has borrowed many words from foreign countries, firstly from China as early as the Nara Period (710-794). Gairaigo (外来語) is the Japanese word for "loan word" or "borrowed word." Many Chinese words were mixed into Japanese to the extent that they are no longer c...
Most of the languages use the most common words in your target language, with natural phrases that you would overhear locals using while conversing amongst each other. In the short story lessons, the plot follows the same characters and adventures, with some adjustments for cultural differences. ...
Japanese is written in three scripts, called kanji, hiragana, and katakana. Kanji are symbols representing a word, such as a verb, a noun, or the root of an adjective. Hiragana is used for new foreign language words, and katakana represent syllables. ...
Some words used to describe nouns are not adjectives but are nouns themselves. Colors in Japanese are one of the most common examples. The noun form of the i-adjectives below is the same word without the i. For example, the noun form of akai (赤い, red) is aka (赤). Adjective type...
Learning basic Japanese words requires an understanding of verbs and how they conjugate, just like most languages. If you’re new to Japanese, starting with the most common verbs is best. Here are 20 of them listed in their infinitive form to help you get started: Taberu (食べる): to ea...
The following common phrases in Japanese are the most useful Japanese phrases for travellers. I’ll detail each of the Japanese words in English and the most appropriate time to use them: Hello:Konnichiwaこんにちは One of the famous Japanese basics you’re probably already familiar with.Konnichi...
it is most likely that it was in East Asia that the divergence between the Japanese wolf and the dog lineages has occurred. In other words, the extinct population of the gray wolf from which dogs are suspected to have been domesticated1,3,5,9,11,12was closely related to the ancestor of...