The best parts of Hentai Heroes are the plot and the way it develops. You’ll have a tough time deciding between playing more and getting enough hours of sleep, as there are many places to go and many women to do. User Experience Users agree that the story is one of the best parts ...
Some subreddits participating in this week's blackout will return to Reddit in 48 hours, organizers said. Others said they may boycott for longer, with the possibility of leaving the platform permanently “unless the issue is adequately addressed, since many moderators aren’t able to put in ...
Her last trick doesn’t quite work out though. In fact, this last trick is the reason why the title of this video is “(Fail) A girl tries to do Akira 100%” Check out Erina’s failure and ev...
「ジョージア」は1975年の誕生以来、幅広い層の皆様に愛され続けているコーヒーブランドです。“五感を刺激する”コーヒー体験をコンセプトに、「ジョージア THE ラテ」をはじめ、豆や製法にこだわった個性あふれるさまざまな味わいをお届けしています。
The Japanese Parliament is debating a proposed law that would effectively emulate the EU's Digital Markets Act and require Apple to open up the App Store.
Everything from confused-stalkerish to a passive aggressive follow-up after I didn’t respond to somebody’s request to do research work for them within 36 hours during a work week. I was about to post some anonymized messages, but then again… why? Better not to trigger lazy or crazy…...
In a move very similar to the European Union, Japan's parliament has finished the process to enact a law that prohibits big tech from blocking third-party app stores.
On February 22nd, which happens to be ninja day in Japan, the Japan Ninja Council (nihon ninja kyōgikai), an organization devoted to promoting all things
Bottom line: Look before you leap, and work for your dreams. 頑張ってください!Good luck! Share this: Tweet Share Share on Tumblr Reddit Email Print Loading... Posted in Japan (日本), Life (生活), Manga (漫画) | Tagged applying, Bakuman, how to, Interact, Jamie Lano, Jamieism, ...
Japan is a unique country to travel to because of the wonderful mix of culture, diversity, modern technology, old world character, and eastern charm. The modern comforts of home are always available, but its never surprising to find yourself in a confusi