Plan your trip to Japan with Japan Travel by NAVITIME. Book flights, tickets, hotels, and tours and discover locations with curated travel guides and tips from experts.
Japan Travel by NAVITIME 能幫您像在地人一樣走遍各地! 應用程式概要: -探索(旅遊指南與文章) -路線查詢 -地圖 / 離線地點搜尋 -計畫 關於功能: 〔探索〕 - 由在日本生活的外國人編輯,介紹日本各地好吃好玩的最新文章 - 內容包含交通、外幣兌換、網路連線、美食、藝術和文化、夜生活、購物等。
Japan Travel by NAVITIME 能幫您像在地人一樣走遍各地! 應用程式概要: -探索(旅遊指南與文章) -路線查詢 -地圖 / 離線地點搜尋 -計畫 關於功能: 〔探索〕 - 由在日本生活的外國人編輯,介紹日本各地好吃好玩的最新文章 - 內容包含交通、外幣兌換、網路連線
在租車公司預訂車輛時,記得索取ETC卡。使用ETC卡可獲得高速公路過路費折扣,將這些ETC(電子道路收費系統)卡插入車內的讀卡器中,旅程中就不需要在收費亭繳交費用。 要注意的是,許多私人收費道路僅接受現金(非ETC),但費用通常一次大概就幾百日圓。 速度與彈性 如果沒有使用ETC的話,車輛就必須走現金/信用卡收費道,通...
Navitime (Japan Travel by Navitime) Navitime for Japanis a popular app thatmakes navigating around the Japanese capital and the rest of the country stress-free.Apart from providing detailed information about the world’s most complex metropolis (Tokyo), it also generates: ...
Japan Travel by NAVITIME— Japan’s leading travel app — provides valuable information and tools to help you navigate your way around the country. The best news is that it is can activelyhelp you to plan your trip using your JR Passto get between train stations in Japan in the mostconven...
Japan Travel (by Navitime)-Provides travel tips and short articles about places andthings to do in Japanand allows you to plan a personalized itinerary. The offline spot search feature helps locate free Wi-Fi, ATMs, currency exchange stores, and train stations. The transit feature has an inte...
Japan Travel by NAVITIME Route planning, multilingual support, offline maps, nice travel guides. Hotels & Flights App Book hotels, flights, tours, airport rides, cheap eal. Food Apps Gourmet Navigator (GuruNavi) Search by location or cuisine, curated recommendations, direct reservations. ...
1. Japan Travel by NAVITIME As for a good navigator in Japan,Japan Travel by NAVITIMEis the better travel app than any other navigators and online maps. You can easily find a perfect route to your destination and which train to get on and to change. It also offers the routes only by...
Navitime (aka Japan Travel by Navitime) The English route search service byNavitimeis close to perfect. Not only does it have aJapan Rail Passoption, but it can similarly handle several otherrail passes. It also allows to exclude results bytrain categoryand other means of transport. Besides...