Around 5,000 protesters gathered in Seoul on Saturday to condemn Japan's release of nuclear-contaminated water into the sea, and to criticize the South Korean government for endorsing the release plan. The protesters urged the Japanese government to immediately terminate the d...
. Japan5s plan to release radioactive water faces delays. . Japan announces to release radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean. . Japan will treat the radioactive water before it is released into the Pacific Ocean. . Japan’s efforts to deal with radioactive water. 【小题4】What is the...
Japan has started releasing treated radioactive water from the wrecked Fukushima nuclear power plant into the Pacific Ocean, a polarising move that drew fresh and fierce criticism from China as being "selfish and irresponsible".
Japan to release Fukushima water into ocean from Aug. 24 日本将从 8 月 24 日起将福岛核污水排入海洋 From:Reuters Japan said on Tuesday it will start releasing into the sea more than 1 million metric tons of treated radioactive water from the wrecked Fukushima nuclear power plant on Aug. 24...
According to the TEPCO, the concentrations of all radioactive substances other than tritium in the water stored in the tank scheduled for release were below the national release standards, while the concentration of tritium that...
TOKYO - Radioactive water accumulating in tanks at the wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant will be released into the sea in two years after it is treated, Japan's government said Tuesday in a decision long delayed by safety concerns and protests. Cabinet ministers endorse...
Experts predict that within 57 days of the initial release, radioactive materials will have spread across a substantial portion of the Pacific Ocean. Within three years, the United States and Canada will experience the effects of nuclear contamination. In a decade’s time, the entire global wate...
Protesters gather on Tuesday outside the prime minister's office in Tokyo during a rally against the Japanese government's plan to release radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean. KAZUHIRO NOGI/AFP Japan announced on Tuesday that it will start releasing nuclear-contaminated water from the destroye...
Under the plan, wastewater containing radioactive tritium and some other isotopes, generated from water used to cool down melted nuclear fuel at the disaster-stricken plant, will be discharged through an underwater tunnel into the Pacific Ocean after being treated. ...
By releasing the radioactive water into the sea, Japan is trying to transfer the safety risk to the rest of the world. It plans to first discharge more than 1 million cubic meters of the nuclear-contaminated water — claiming it is safe after being treated through the Advanced Liquid Process...