Discover Japan with unlimited train rides with a JR Pass! Authorized distributor. Get your 7, 14 or 21 day passes wherever you are with worldwide delivery.
The Japan Rail Pass is accessible to any traveler, with a foreign passport, traveling to Japan with a "temporary visitor" visa of 90 days or less: tourist, business trip, family visit, etc... People who travel to Japan for more than 90 days (working holiday, military, diplomatic, cultura...
Whole Japan Rail Pass 7, 14 or 21 Days Mail Delivery Regional: JR Central Takayama-Hokuriku Area Tourist Pass 5 Days Mail Delivery Mt. Fuji Shizuoka Area Tourist Pass Mini 3 Days Mail Delivery Ise-Kumano-Wakayama Area Pass 5 Days Mail Delivery JR Kyushu Kyushu Pass 3, 5 or 7 Days E-Ti...
The Japan Rail Pass is accessible to any traveler, with a foreign passport, traveling to Japan with a "temporary visitor" visa of 90 days or less: tourist, business trip, family visit, etc... People who travel to Japan for more than 90 days (working holiday, military, diplomatic, cultura...
Fuji-Shizuoka Tourist Pass 在高亮區域有效 成人12或以上 兒童6至11 普通 標準 3天 $ 45.00 0 添加到購物車 繼續付款 富士山 - 靜岡地區旅遊週遊券 信息 尋找富士山的完美畫面。富士 - 靜岡地區旅遊周遊券是探索富士山地區的最佳選擇。提供一個具有高性價比的選擇,借助其包含的一系列交通選項探索富士山。
Best place to purchase the cheapest ticket to travel on Japan JR Bullet Trains. 7,14&21 day tourist pass.Free Shipping, no fees,Lowest Price Guaranteed.
Fuji-Shizuoka Tourist Pass在高亮区域有效 成人12或以上 儿童6至11 普通标准 3天 $ 45.00 0 添加到购物车 继续付款 富士山 - 静冈地区旅游周遊券 信息 寻找富士山的完美画面。富士 - 静冈地区旅游周游券是探索富士山地区的最佳选择。提供一个具有高性价比的选择,借助其包含的一系列交通选项探索富士山。 可用周...
Nozomi and Mizuho Trains: are not covered by JR Pass but you can purchase the “[ONLY WITH JAPAN RAIL PASS] Nozomi Mizuho ticket” at JR stations to take these trains. Exclusive Discounts: for major Japanese tourist facilities for Japan Rail Pass Holders ...
OSAKA-TOKYO HOKURIKU Arch Pass Tokyo, Osaka, Nagano & Kanazawa TAKAYAMA-HOKURIKU Tourist Pass Kyoto, Osaka, Takayama & Nagoya SHIRAKAWAGO Bus Pass Takayama, Shirakwago, Gifu OSAKA-TOKYO HOKURIKU Arch Pass Retrieval method: Paper voucher i The Japan Rail Osaka-Tokyo Hokuriku Arch Pass provides unli...
Only Japan Rail Pass for Green Car is available for Green Car. suica, icoca, toica. Photo by tsuda There are some passes for subway and railway in the central area of big city such as Tokyo, Osaka. When you travel around the city, you must take a train several times a day. ...