PopulationProjectionsforJapan(2023revision):2021to2070 KeyMessages Japan’spopulationisprojectedtodecreaseby30%,andthepopulationaged65andovertomakeupabout40%ofthepopulationby2070.Whiletheprojectedfuturetotalfertilityratesarelowerthanthoseinthepreviousrevisionreleasedin2017,thepaceofpopulationdeclinewouldslowslightlyduet...
According to the latest estimate, the rate will fall further to 1.36 in 2070. However, Japan’s population decline is now expected to be less severe. The institute’s previous estimate was a population of 83.23 million in 2065. The new estimate is 87 million in 2070, the same level as i...
Population, 35-44 Years in million #47.547.3747.6448.5649.3150.1951.2252.3853.654.6455.2756.0756.4155.9155.3154.4653.2751.7650.0348.2746.7145.3344.1143.0742.1141.2240.4939.8839.2738.7538.337.9637.7237.537.3637.3437.3437.2837.1836.9736.68 Population, 45-54 Years in million #57.5957.5156.0153.4550.9348.9647.6946.8846....
By 2050, it could lose a fifth of its current population. That figure is closer to a reality than an estimate. You would think such a dire situation would provoke change and in almost any other nation on earth you’d be right. But Japan does not like change and so there are no ...
For almost 30 years, a combination of quantitative easing, low interest rates (below 0.5 percent since 1995, and at -0.1% since 2016), and a lack of spending due to low wages and an aging population have combined to give Japan the highest national debt in the world in absolute terms, ...
"I don't think we can call that a good world to live in." According to the research, the proportion of Japanese named Sato increased 1.0083 times from 2022 to 2023. If that rate remains constant - with no change to the law - half of the Japanese population will share ...
TOKYO (AP) — Japan reports its economy grew at a 2.5 percent annual pace in July-September, upgrading an earlier estimate of 1.4 percent growth.
This study aimed to estimate the CKD prevalence among the general older population in Japan.This cross-sectional study used health screening data from the Japan Health Insurance Association collected between April 2014 and March 2023. Data from older people aged 65–90years who underwent renal ...
2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 Population in million # 634.02 635.33 636.51 637.51 638.36 638.99 639.51 640.03 640.39 640.58 640.53 640.04 639.27 638.39 637.38 636.25 634.97 633.31 631.28 628.96 626.22 623.06 619...
Thus, it is reasonable to divide the Japanese population into two clinical types based on IOP of 20 mmHg: primary open-angle and normal IOP glaucoma. Primary open-angle glaucoma (broad) is a chronic progressive optic neuropathy with morphologic features of the optic nerve disc and retinal nerve...