2023日本包装设计大奖获奖作品(1) JAPAN PACKAGE DESIGN AWARDS是包装设计领域的专业人士齐聚一堂,就其作品的设计和创意展开角逐的竞赛。自 1985 年以来每隔一年举办一次,旨在提高包装设计的社会地位,并创造了...
Awards2019日本包装设计协会每两年举办一届全国性的设计大赛——日本包装设计大奖(Japan Package Design Awards),希望通过设计质量和创造力等各方面评估产品的真正价值,寻找出设计对商品价值的贡献.2019年日本包装设计大奖共收到1201件参赛作品.由日本包装设计协会40名会员组成的评审团初步选出了423件作品,复审团加入了四...
日本包装设计协会每两年举办一届全国性的设计大赛——日本包装设计大奖(Japan Package Design Awards),希望通过设计质量和创造力等各方面评估产品的真正价值,寻找出设计对商品价值的贡献.2019年日本包装设计大奖共收到1201件参赛作品.由日本包装设计协会40名会员组成的评审团初步选出了423件作品,复审团加入了四名协会外...
Japan Car Design Awards 受賞製品をご紹介します。2015デザインコンセプト Sports Ride Concept ゴールデンマーカートロフィー(コンセプトカー部門) ヤマハが創るスポーツカーのデザイン。 正統派のスポーツカープロポーションに、多様なモビリティを持つヤマハらしい発想を融合。モーターサ...
Garner Hotels, hotel design, hotel expansion, hotel loyalty program, IHG, IHG Hotels & Resorts, IHG One Rewards, Japan, local design, Made with Character, Midscale Conversion Brand, Osaka, Osaka culture, partnership, self check-in, Sketches of Humanity, sustainability, travel, Zen philosophy |...
2024 天空设计大奖Sky Design Awards在日本东京Roppongi Hills Club举办颁奖典礼。据官网数据统计,本届共有103个作品入围,经评审后,共有40个作品获奖(13个金奖,14个银奖,13个铜奖),其中中国项目15个(4个金奖,4个银奖,7个铜奖),占比37.5%。 2024 天空设计大奖 ...
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Howard Sutcliffe, their acclaimed firm Shim-Sutcliffe Architects helmed the design of Ace Hotel Toronto. Brigitte returned her expertise to our Toronto home during “How Do You Design A Feeling?”— the panel we hosted in partnership with Wedge Studio during DesignTO festival. We caught up with...
good product. it came well protected. the day the package arrived at destination i received a message on my mobile to notify me. HLJ offered me a good ... Trusted Customer 3 months ago Date of purchase: 01/11/2024 Did not receive item! It's been quite a long time!
Since May, “DFA Awards” has been organising a series of Design Dialogue in different languages featuring winners of various editions from different regions and here comes to the final session. Themed on “Design Redefines Lifestyle”, the 7th Design Dialogue featuring winners from Japan will be...