Synopsis:Two 20-year-old women called Nana Osaki and Nana Komatsu meet for the first time on a bullet train to Tokyo. While they have the same name, the pair couldn’t be more different in their personalities. The excitable Nana Osaki is a bubbly character who envisions moving in with h...
I will miss you Stuart, Dave and Morley... Just Japan Podcast: Home: RSS Feed: Twitter: Instagram: Email: Direct download: JustJapanPodcastStories...
If you miss a train in a big city like Osaka or Tokyo, another will be there in minutes, so don't sweat it. In the countryside though, it could be hours, or tomorrow! Unlike trains in many cities that pull up and allow plenty of time for boarding, trains in Japan arrive an...
Miss Wheelchair World beauty pageant held for disabled women Syrian boy bravely walks with his prosthetic legs Young man marries 67-year-old woman These baby meerkats are here to steal your jaded heart Celebration of the first birthday of lemur cubs twins in Kiev Saudi Arabia will allow women ...
They are hard to miss at convenience stores, and you wont enter another Japanese “gasoline stand” without seeing one. What are they? Continue reading Video Series “Only in Japan”: Part 3 – Orange Ball →Japan: Video, TV, Movies Movie: “KISARAZU CATS EYE – World Series” (木更...
I hadn’t been to the area before and I haven’t been ever since, so I’m glad that I was able to explore the Twice Abandoned Train Station, because you never know when places like that disappear for good.Also don’t miss out on my *recent article about some special trains* and *...
Organization:there were times where we could have maximized our stay in a city by visiting more places, but the team did not know how long it would take in terms of transportation (we didn’t want to stay out too late or miss an event). ...
A tip is to get out as much as possible if you stay inside all the time you're going to miss all the amazing things that are included in the program. What would you improve about this program?Nothing. I loved everything about it wish I would have chosen to stay longer. 200 people ...
James Eastland (D-Miss.) argued, that “all the people of the South are in favor of segregation. And Supreme Court or no Supreme Court, we are going to maintain segregated schools.” Tushnet and Belkin cite with approval Biden’s declaration that this is “not a normal Supreme Court.”...
circumstances always somehow denied him and once more he would contrive to miss the last train. He and his friends spent their nights in a desultory progression from coffee shop to bar topachinkoparlor to coffee shop again, with the radiant aimlessness of the pure existential hero. They were ...