Meccha Japan is a specialist store for authentic Pokemon and other Japanese Goods from Japan. Discover the different amazing produtcs such as Plush, Toys, Mugs, Keychains etc...
Kit Katare one of the best-known varieties of chocolate bars around the world. They're available practically everywhere you look, and this is doubly the case in Japan. First introduced to the nation in 1973, there have beenover 300 limited edition, regional, and seasonal Kit Kat typesmade ...
【日本直邮】日本购 KIT KAT限定系列 全燕麦饼干口味巧克力威化 12枚装,品牌:NESTLE,威化 蛋卷 麻花 锅巴-亚米。低价保证,100%正品保证,品牌官方授权,优质丰富精选的亚洲商品,无忧售后。
KitKat是世界上最受欢迎的巧克力品牌之一,无论男女老少都喜爱。日本的KitKat除了原味的巧克力棒之外,地方限定风味、季节限定风味等商品众多,加上多样化的包装,使得这个巧克力成为日本旅游时的伴手礼首选。位于临空Premium Outlets场内的KitKat商店内,汇聚了各式各样口味的商品,有机会来到这里,不妨也来到这里位亲朋好友选购...
NESTLE 【日本直邮】日本KIT KAT 秋季限定 和栗口味巧克力威化 10枚装 $5.20$9.9053折 已下架 商品描述 展开全部描述 规格参数 品牌NESTLE 品牌属地日本 净含量10each 口味KIT KAT 栗子味 免责声明 产品价格、包装、规格等信息如有调整,恕不另行通知。我们尽量做到及时更新产品信息,但请以收到实物为准。使用产品前...
kitkat Ingredients sugar;chocolate Content sugar;chocolate Address japan Instruction for use ready to eat Shelf Life 365 days Place of Origin Japan Product Type Chocolate Color Black, Brown, Green, White Additional Ingredient Biscuit, CANDY, NUT Weight (kg) 0.34 Brand Name KitKat Product name Choc...
Disney store Pokemon Ota mart Ward Records Tower records Starbucks KitKat WHY CHOOSE PERSONAL SHOPPER JAPAN Benefits of Personal Shopper Japan We are the experts at helping people get what they like fromJAPAN Request Now Why Personal Shopper Japan is The Best Service?
Sadly, the Kit Kat pop-up, the "Chocolatory" was pathetically crammed into the corner of Seibu'sdepachika(department store basement which is usually where all the food stalls are set up). It was sad. Furthermore they were out of all the limited edition flavors exclusive to the Chocolatory...
The Kit Kat Japanese Sake mini pack First of all, remember to put it in the fridge. Maybe because it contains alcohol, the texture is softer than usual. The outer layer is made from white chocolate and the moment you open the packaging, you can smell the scent of sake (we are not ma...
這次仙台名產「毛豆泥麻糬」專賣店的「ZUNDA茶寮」,與雀巢共同研發了當地伴手禮「KitKat 迷你型 ZUNDA茶寮 毛豆泥奶昔風味」,該商品於12月1日起開始販售。 這新推出的當地伴手禮,以拜訪仙台的日本國內外觀光客為客群,在仙台車站・仙台機場等地的伴手禮店與部分菓匠三全等店販售。這款商品在威化餅間夾入毛...