Japan 10-Year Yield Hits Over 15-Year High Japan’s 2024 GDP Growth Weakest in 4 Years Japan Industrial Output Revised Lower Latest Italian Stocks Outperform Euro Hovers at $1.04 Slovakia Current Account Deficit Widens Sharply French Stocks Halt 7-Session Winning Streak ...
GDP per Capita37079.1136202.64USDDec 2023 GDP per Capita PPP46268.4245174.73USDDec 2023 GDP Capital Expenditure137194.90137533.00JPY BillionSep 2024 Gross National Product587812.80584847.10JPY BillionSep 2024 The GDP per capita PPP is obtained by dividing the country’s gross domestic product, adjusted ...
In the following decade, Japan's GDP growth averaged only 0.5% per year as sustained slow growth carried over right up until the global financial crisis andGreat Recession.2As a result, many refer to the period between 1991 and 2010 as the Lost Score, or the Lost 20 Years. From 2011 to...
Japan: Gross domestic product (GDP) in current prices (in billion U.S. dollars) Japan: Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in current prices (in U.S. dollars) Japan: Unemployment rate Japan: Inflation rate (compared to the previous year) Japan's main export partner Japan's ...
4th-largesteconomy in the world bynominal GDPbehind theUnited States,China, andGermanyand the4th-largestbypurchasing power parity(PPP). There is a strong presence of top businesses, especiallyJapanese-origin companieslike Sony, Honda, Nikon, and more. In fact, there are 41Fortune Global 500 comp...
Japan: National debt from 2019 to 2029 in relation to gross domestic product (GDP) National debt to GDP ratio236.38%236.38%258.37%258.37%253.65%253.65%256.3%256.3%249.67%249.67%251.15%251.15%248.67%248.67%246.93%246.93%245.73%245.73%244.8%244.8%245.02%245.02%20192020202120222023*2024*2025*2026*...
Growth areas remain slim in the world's third-largest economy and corporations who have managed to net profits are not increasing wages at a rate to encourage consumer spending, which accounts for 60 percent of Japan's GDP. Japan's mainstay exports sector also lacks competitiveness due to the...
Japan is the most indebted country in the world as measured by debt-to-gross domestic product (GDP).1As of 2022, the Japanesedebt-to-GDP ratiowas a record 264%, with the government adding more than $192 billion in sovereign debt in that year alone. In contrast, Japan's lowest debt to...
The latest value for GDP per person employed (constant 2011 PPP $) in Japan was 76,252 as of 2020. Over the past 29 years, the value for this indicator has fluctuated between 80,953 in 2017 and 65,506 in 1993. Definition:GDP per person employed is gross domestic product (GDP) divided...
The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Japan expanded 1.20 percent in the fourth quarter of 2024 over the same quarter of the previous year. This page provides - Japan GDP Annual Growth Rate - actual values, historical data, forecast, chart, statistics, eco