In Japan, the regulations on food additives have been continuously developing through long-term practice. Now the management on food additives has been systematic.In principle, only additives that received the designation by MHLW (designated food additives) can be used based on Article 12 ofFood...
FoodImportsRegulationsStandardsJapanResiduesPesticidesInspectionOn June 17, 2008, Government of Japan announced proposed changes to the MRLs for Dimethomorph, Halosulfuron-methyl and Cyromazine. The comment period will close on July 1, 2008. After the given date, MHLW will also notify these proposed ...
The Japan Food Safety (JFS) Standards provide a continuous approach to the better food safety management of FBOs, to deliver transparency about the food safety, and by these effects, to promote trades and optimize the cost of food safety audits. Especially, these standards are easy to understan...
Note: This publication is an English translation of the official compilation of food additives, eighth edition. In the case of any discrepancy between the Japanese original and the English translation, the former will take priority.
with the standards and regulations in Japanese market. Contact us Now! 本中心拥有最新的玩具测试仪器及专业的团队,为你提供全面性的测试服务,以协助 贵司的产品能让消 费者安全地使用及符合日本市场的标准及规例。请立即与我们联络! FOR ENQUIRIES 服务查询 服务查询 服务查询 服务查询: ...
human consumption of food, by making necessary regulations and taking any measure so as to work for the protection of the health of the people. [Duty of State, Prefectures, Cities Establishing Health Centers and Special Wards] Article 2. State, any prefecture, any city prescribed by the Cabi...
Food Safety Standards and International Trade: The Impact on Developing Countries' Export Performance The expansion of food safety standards in regulations has introduced new complexity in trade policy dialogues and efforts to expand trade in agricultural p... H Keiichiro,T Otsuki,JS Wilson - Springer...
We regularly provide presentations in front of major businesses of the food sector and local bodies or governmental associations, to share our knowledge and expertise on current or future food labeling standards and the related regulations. At this occasion, we also inform businesses about practical ...
We propose two systems: the "New Food Labeling Checker", an automatic food labeling checking system for the Japanese market; and "gComply", a documents database search system for food-related standards/regulations in various countries. View Details ...
The JAS Standards for the production methods are called Specific JAS Standards.As of March 2006, there are Specific JAS