2024日本の食品輸出EXPO JAPAN'S FOOD EXPORT FAIR 展会时间:2024年6月21-23日 展馆地址:日本东京国际展览中心 主催:RX Japan 株式会社 [原名Reed Exhibitions Japan Ltd] 共催:(独)日本貿易振興機構(JETRO) 協力:農林水産省 参展观展--福贸展会大鹏zpexpo 日本の輸出商および海外バイヤーを対象に行われる...
日本食品出口展Japan's Food ExportFair,作为进口和caigou日本食品的商贸平台,日本食品出口展与日本贸易振兴机构JETRO联合主办,日本农林水产省作为协办方,展会得到日本zhengfu的大力支持。在展会现场可与日本当地企业直接商谈、caigou,产品供应商囊括农产品、甜点小吃、饮品及肉类海鲜等,也可找到新上市的日本食品,更能与提供...
JAPAN'sFOOD EXPORT FAIR 展品为面向国际买家的日本食品和饮品展。 展会时间:2024年10月14-16日 展馆地址:日本幕张国际展览中心Makuhari Messe 主办单位:励展集团日本株式会社ReedExhibitionsJapanLtd 中国组展组团:上海福贸展览服务有限公司 参展参观:张鹏 关于"日本食品"出口展: ...
International visitor registration is now officially open for the 9th edition of the "JAPAN'S FOOD" EXPORT FAIR, which will be held at Makuhari Messe from November 27–29, 2024. With unmatched possibilities to network with leading Japanese suppliers and explore an exte...
01:07 [CIEME 2024] 水陆两栖舰 - 荣成龙河车辆有限公司 2024-12-05 01:35 [CIEME 2024] PDN4450 四通道智能网络功放 - 上海逸伦影音科技有限公司 2024-12-04 00:41 ["JAPAN'S FOOD" EXPORT FAIR WINTER 2024] 日本长棍面包 - Shikishima Baking Co. 2024-12-04 00:37 ["JAPAN'S FOOD" EXPORT FAIR...
生姜抹茶ごまシナモン|日本の食品輸出EXPO2022 塩茶の香|抹茶餅カスタード2022JAPAN FOOD EXPORT FAIR 子つぶ大福|葛あめ梅酒2022JAPAN FOOD EXPORT FAIR 骨なしさば塩焼き2022JAPAN FOOD EXPORT FAIR 服装零售内销市场|EFB服饰供应链展2022上海 服装行业整体供应链条|EFB服饰供应链展2022上海zpexpo相关...
An exhibition introducing the latest products and technologies on the theme of "powders" used in food and cosmetics began in Tokyo on the 27th. Japan NewsMarubeni Managing Director Akiyuki Omoto promoted to president Omoto ``Watching US policy change'' ...
27 Nov 2022Toronto Shokokai's Job Fair 2022 25 Oct 2022Networking Luncheon: Japan and North America; Things to think about 14 Sep 2022Investment Promotion Program: Agrifood 09 Sep 2022Networking Luncheon Featuring Tracy Reynolds, Minister (Commercial), Embassy of Canada to Japan ...
Smart Restaurant Expo Koto Smart Restaurant Expo Tokyo is a B-to-B trade show for Food Factory Automation/Smart Restaurant & Kitchen Technologies. It will showcase products like Automated Kitchen Equipment, Food Processors, Grease... TradeshowIT & TechnologyHospitality ...
Jun 11, 2024, 02:00 ET"JAPAN'S FOOD" EXPORT FAIR to Begin from June 19 -- Best Platform for Purchasing and Importing Japanese Foods & Beverages RX Japan Ltd., Japan's premier trade show organizer, invites professionals in the food and beverage (F&B) industry to the 8th "JAPAN'S FOOD...