To win domestic support for dumping the radioactive water into the ocean, the Japanese government has set up an 80 billion yen ($580 million) fund to deal with the potential effects of its action on the fishing industry, of which 50 billion yen is to be used to subsidize soaring fuel co...
Japan’s Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NRA) told reporters that it may have to discharge the radioactive water that fell below the regulatory threshold into the ocean,Reuters reportedon Monday. The news comes after a series of events in recent weeks that led to the Japanese governmentannouncing t...
To win domestic support for dumping the radioactive water into the ocean, the Japanese government has set up an 80 billion yen ($580 million) fund to deal with the potential effects of its action on the fishing industry, of which 50 billion yen is to be used to subsidize soaring fuel co...
Japan has started releasing treated radioactive water from the wrecked Fukushima nuclear power plant into the Pacific Ocean, a polarising move that drew fresh and fierce criticism from China as being "selfish and irresponsible".
TOKYO, July 23 (Xinhua) -- Japan's nuclear regulator on Friday authorized a controversial plan to discharge radioactive wastewater from a crippled nuclear plant in northeast Japan into the Pacific Ocean, prompting protests from the public.
Japan has won approval from the UN's nuclear watchdog for its plan to release treated radioactive water from the tsunami-wrecked Fukushima plant into the ocean, despite fierce resistance locally and from abroad. Following a two-year review, the International Atomic Energy Agen...
the human body will be injured. If it exceeds 4000 MSW, it will directly lead to death.Previous reports have disclosed that even the nuclear waste water which has been "filtered" also contains tritium, carbon 14, cobalt 60...
Tokyo— Japan said Tuesday that it would start discharging treated radioactive water from the crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant into the Pacific Ocean within two years. Officials in Tokyo said the water would be filtered and diluted to safe levels first, but many residents remain firmly oppose...
Reports about the possible dumping of water from the reactors first emerged last year. At the time, Japan's environmental minister Yoshiaki Harada said Tepco—the operator of Fukushima—was running out of space to store the radioactive water, which was previously used in the reac...
"There is no good reason to dump radioactive materials into the ocean. There is no reason to just dilute them and flush them away," said the man in his 70s. "Is it really necessary, in the first place, to dump what has been stored in tanks into the sea? How can we say it's '...