Stephanie Assmann, Sebastian MaslowAsian Politics & PolicyASSMANN, S.; MASLOW, S. "Digital government" in Japan: a selective survey of Japanese Ministry web sites. Asian Politics & Policy, v. 2, n. 2, p. 291-294, 2010.Assmann, S., & Maslow, S. (2010). "Digital government" in ...
However, the mainstream media still seems to be peddling this ridiculous narrative, and – whileweall know it’s incorrect – this inaccurate clickbait may influence how your leadership views your digital strategy. So, we’ve produced a comprehensive response to help you dispel this misinformation ...
India's new Asia-Pacific strategy: Modi acts East In this Lowy Institute Analysis, Danielle Rajendram examines India's Look East Policy, and argues that the Modi Government will prioritise even closer engagement with the Asia-Pacific. Key findings India's Look East Policy has shaped its... D...
In this analysis, we explore how Grab successfully penetrated the Chinese tourist market through a strategy of hyper-localization. By tailoring its services to meet the unique needs and preferences of Chinese travelers, Grab not only enhanced user experience but also built strong brand loyalty. Disc...
Why moving to the cloud should be part of your sustainability strategy Subscribe to the AWS Public Sector Blog newsletterto get the latest in AWS tools, solutions, and innovations from the public sector delivered to your inbox, orcontact us. ...
India’s Commerce Minister Calls Out Amazon’s Pricing Strategy, Raises Concerns Over Predatory Practices anti-trustCompetition Commission of IndiaeCommerceSupreme Court of India How can there be a distinction between messaging and over-the-top (OTT) platforms when it comes to spam regulation? the ...
英国Public DigitalのCTOであるJames Stewart⽒はこう⾔います。「⼝先だけではない、しっかりとした従業員体験戦略が必要です。戦略は、現実的で職員が実感できるものでなければなりません」。体系化されたキャリアパスは職員の成⻑を促し、キャリア⽬標の達...
(Promotion of Ensuring Cybersecurity by CII Operators, etc.) to ensure that cyber attacks are not neglected, and government agencies and relevant infrastructure operators have been preparing for cyber attacks based on this. The New Cybersecurity Strategy announced in September 2021 clearly stated ...
He also urged the utilization of digital technology to prevent human errors, Japanese public broadcaster NHK reported. On Feb 7, TEPCO informed the International Atomic Energy Agency, or IAEA, that water containing radioactive materials ...
"Japan's tech sector, once a leader, lost ground due to a slower response to digital and mobile trends" compared with neighbors such as South Korea, he told AFP. But "now, with supportive government policies, resilient start-ups, and a potentially shifting global tech scene, Japan has an...