Japan Bus Lines 是日本政府批準認可的由超過60家巴士公司組成的巴士網絡。在這個網站上,您可以同時搜索到日本主要的巴士公司,並對乘車時間、票價、服務等進行比較。 查看更多 選擇不同的座位 日本的高速巴士上有各種各樣的座位。您可以根據自己的預算選擇普通休閒座椅和豪華座椅。另外,包括Wifi、廁所、一排座位數、靠...
Japan Bus Lines is one of the biggest bus network consisting of over 60 highway bus companies throughout Japan. Our website allows you to search more than 100 highway bus routes and has been used by many international travelers.
There is an alternative Japan Bus Lines (JBL) Pass which includes additional lines such as the Takayama line, but it is a little pricier, starting from¥15,000for the All Day version. Regional highway bus passes If you’re doing a deep dive of one area — rather then traveling all ov...
▌車票預訂:WILLER TRAVEL(中文)、Japan Bus Lines(中文) ▌詳細班表:請至濃飛巴士官網 ▌相關教學:請見下段的高速巴士搭乘教學 【名古屋~高山】(JR 飛驒號) ▌搭乘地點:名古屋車站 ▌所需時間:全程約 2 小時 15~30 分鐘 ▌班次數量:每天十班 ▌單程票價:6140 日圓 ▌車票預訂:JR 西日本網路訂票系統(中...
For partial cancellation, enter the number of seats and the bus number that you wish to cancel. 部分取消時,請輸入取消的座位數量和巴士編號(英文字母) 일부 예약 취소의 경우 취소할 좌석 수와 버스 번호를 입력해 주세요 (영문)...
Japan Bus Lines sells the JBL Pass. This has the advantage of being available to use on a number of different bus companies who are affiliated with the JBL network, giving you extra choice when it comes to scheduling. You can use this pass on buses with 3 or 4 seats per row and there...
JR Bus lines (local routes only) JR Ferry to Miyajima JR Monorail (Tokyo) JR Yamanote line (Tokyo Metro) Narita Express If you just want to travel within a specific region of Japan, you might want to consider aregional rail pass. This will cover the trains operated by a specific JR com...
Nagoya city bus near SakaeLocal bus in Chita, Aichi Prefecture Kyoto Buses As well as the three Raku loop buses aimed directly at tourists in Kyoto, using buses in Kyoto to get around is essential with only two subway lines in the city. There are two main types of buses operating in ...
From:Shimane(Shimane) To:Osaka(Osaka) |Highway BusIzumo/Matsue-Osaka Lines Bus Facility Description A highway bus service connecting Izumo and Matsue with Osaka. Most of the buses are equipped with 3 independent seats per row (The last row has 4 seats), however, there may be a case ...
How to Ride the Bus When riding abusin Japan, cash or an IC card like a Suica is necessary. Buses in Tokyo's 23 Wards: Paying Ahead of Time/Fixed Amounts The buses in Tokyo’s 23 districts have a pay first policy where you pay the bus fare when entering from the front door of ...