Spiral War evolved out of multiple sources, but two are the most key; my first written short story The Non-submersible Submersible (I wrote it in eight grade and titles have always been a pain for me) and my planned fantasy trilogy The Nocturnal Knights. Spiral War was originally Nocturnal...
bugs, gnomes, and fairies. I decided to try an incised plate print with 1st grade creating fairy doors. We looked at a ton of examples, and the students were excited to create their own. Here are my teacher examples. I will post student work in the near future. The plan...
Think you can just pick up and leave? “If you don’t like it here, you can just go back to where you came from?” Well, I would if I could, but I came from HERE! I grew up in the good ol’ USA. I believe 100% in the principles this country was founded on “LIBERTY and...
One game system – every genre – countless worlds – endless adventure By Kevin Siembieda I hope you don’t mind, but I will be keeping this Weekly Update short. Frankly, I’m plumb tuckered out and my brain is momentarily a pile of mush.