DMUMC Bulletin January 16, 2000Duke Memorial United Methodist Church
DMUMC Bulletin January 24, 1999Duke Memorial United Methodist Church
[1] The Bulletin for the January 26th service that includes this prayer is available online along with a video recording of the service. Other blog posts have discussed Westminster’s order of worship and another prayer of confession while clicking on “Westminster Presbyterian Church” in the Tag...
others were just toying with the idea. It looked like enough people to have a writing critique group. I discussed it with our pastor and volunteered to head it up. He said to go for it. We announced it in the church bulletin in March 2011, had a couple of brainstorming meetings in ...
Only weeks ago, the Obama administration unsuccessfully argued to the Supreme Court that the government has the right to interfere in a church’s choice of ministers. Thankfully, the Court unanimously rejected this radical position. Undeterred, the government has advanced on another front. ...
Still working my way through the various articles and documents that turned up just before Christmas, I got to a lengthy issue of the Reserve Bank Bulletin, headed “Independence with acccountability: financial system regulation and the Reserve Bank”. It is, I suspect, designed to fend off ca...
So there is our learning for today: Maps are cool, particularly the weird ones! Occasionally, I compose short pieces forour churchbulletin. While most would consider 250 words or less shorter than the ideal blog post, allow me to share one such recent post below. If such articles are usefu...
This morning’s mad scramble went down without inordinate yelling on my part.There was alittle, but it was deserved. TheKid told me Monday while we were in the car that he needed 2 baby pictures to bring to school for a bulletin-board display. He did not specify the due date, just ...
Do new ideas make you nervous? How about the thought of change? Now before you get pious and think, “I am ready for change – the church needs to change;” let me suggest to you that all of us resist change. Change is not an issue as long as the change does not touch on areas...
bear, and you shall make amends." Ay,'ey! Miss Eliza, you never spoke such words of . wisdom as on that morning, when in the, kindness of sweet charity, you practiced the psalm which you had so often sung in church: * •'Who never ...